Recent comments

  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    I can't help but be suspicious of some of the above comments. Reading through some of them made me think that they were posted by people employed as public relations people by the insurance companies themselves. PR Watch ought to see if their IP addresses actually have origins from the offices of insurance companies.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Dear Mr. Potter, Thank you for your honesty. I used to be a life and health insurance agent and worked for three different companies at different times. When I discovered the dishonesty and outright lies (not to mention rampant forgery by agents and the "churning and burning" of agents by companies) I could not continue working in the insurance business. I was raised to be an honest person and to try to treat others the way I'd want them to treat me. I was ridiculed by other agents and demeaned by company managers for being naive and even irresponsible. "There's no room for honesty in a commission driven business" I was told. "You'll never make it," they said. I wish that you'd also confirm the truth to people about the life insurance industry in your blog. It seems that the general public is, tragically, still in the dark about it too. One of the people who responded to your blog, "Obama's False Friends of Health Reform," clearly applauded the industries' deceptive ways and strongly implied that you were the one being deceitful by not telling all of the truth as he saw it. The surest way for evil to continue and succeed is for good people to do nothing. Finally, you are doing something.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    For decent and respectful health care is modeled in Canada, but is under stress here also by people who are living a lifestyle modeled on excess food, excess luxury where cars replace exercise and a leisurely, unstressed life style. Wendell Potter has become part of the 'awake and conscious' new world consciousness who understand that greed is no longer acceptable. He knows that the elite have siphoned off funds intended for the good of everyone. This is important for all of us to learn his inside story as he can best tell it. There is an emerging story of a new world teacher who will appear on our television screens soon to speak about sharing all of the resources to all of the world's peoples to enable all of the world to have a decent way of life. Sharing in this manner will create peace and justice for us all. Wendell, and those insider's turning away from their former lives supporting greed, they are the leaders of a new wave of understanding we will all be learning from this new world teacher --very soon.
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 3 months ago
    i Will start out with a comparison. to leave well enough alone is what these insurance giants should be asking themselves or should have thought of before they agreed to a sixty five million dollar contract. with huge perks for one person. profits vs. stability. for example. the auto industry. enjoyed high profits for years. the auto industry swam in huge profits with very little overhead. producing merchandise that would require expensive repair cost well before there foreign competitors.( there down fall.) the world rejected the skillfully engineered, high profiting junk equipment they were pumping out. Mr George Will is it wise for America to " leave well enough alone "? our heath insurance industry in on a path that will ultimately need a bail out as well. it is of my opinion that this bail out will be titled differently. maybe a restructure. could it be operation revamp. this health issue is very different than the auto collapse / bailout. the merchandise is now the human life. i would advise the health reform critics to carefully choose the correct path at the fork in this road. for the American tax payer is who runs this country. not your board members and CEO's. as tolerance levels grow thin with bail outs we ( tax payers ) will not allow greed to dictate our well being. can we imagine a corporate mandated pay cap. let us start making heath care cost cuts from within. we will create options for health insurance and this issue will be closed. let this be a lesson to corporate America. we have had enough of greed! i will end with a quote that baffles me to this day. "whats in your wallet ? "
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 3 months ago
    As someone who is under-insured, I find it so frustrating to talk to friends who don't understand what the problem is. As far as they're concerned, they have coverage, so why "mess with it?" I get so tired of trying to explain that everyone should be able to afford quality health insurance. Thank you for "seeing the light" and helping others to "see it," too.
