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  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    My comment is: Don't copy the Canadian system, at least as it exists today. 'Reform' (strange how the word is always presumed to have a positive outcome) up here has become somewhat like Castro's continuing 'revolution', essentially meaningless, a catchword for empowering a self serving cadre. Like all of the other Canadian bureaucracies, the healthcare systems have been overrun by corporate raiders--CEOs etc.--complete with all the trappings and perks that brought GM down. Bureaucratic imperatives have become the driving force; the medical people, who are the only ones who know what's really going on, try to ignore the declining efficiency--the misdirecting of funding-- as much as possible. Steps have been taken to make sure their input is muted. Healthcare's mission is to take off in strange new directions where no doctor has gone before but where fiscal scandal often lies. For example, the present priority is the endless collection of medical 'information' (there's never enouigh) at a cost of hundreds of millions. Meanwhile--damn those pesky patients!--the waiting lists themselves are becoming the subject of studies.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Don't worry, Obama has re-assured us that if we like our private insurance we can keep it! Yeah right! Most people hate their private insurance companies. I am sorry for what CIGNA did to you. I am afraid we are not making progress towards single payer. I also think Obama's effort to rush through a bill by this fall is more of an attempt to saddle us with a crappy mandate to buy private insurance with only a weak private option. We really need more time to get organized to fight for a single-payer plan.
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 3 months ago
    Here's a proposal: don't allow insurance companies to base their premiums on your age/health status/habits/etc. Make it illegal as if it were a form of discrimination (ie. "The right to health insurance"). That way, their actuarial computations would have to take into account the pool of Americans wanting health insurance. That way, we can truly shop for the lowest premiums. The only differences in cost would be the efficiency of their back-offices. That would surely be cheaper on the whole as compared to the current system (which is cheap until you have to renew your insurance after you've gotten sick). Although the healthier would have to take up some of the slack of the unhealthy. Plus there should be a minimum deductible (say 3000 dollars) so that patient's and doctor's decisions are still coupled to cost. Just add in some incentives for a healthy lifestyle and (haven't figured that out yet), and we're set.
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 3 months ago
    I wonder why, Wendell it took you 20 years to come forward, did your conscious all of a sudden kick in just before retirement?
  • Reply to: Congresspedia Preview: This Week in Congress (Dec. 6 - 12, 2008)   15 years 3 months ago
    William Jefferson's loss to Joseph Cao was more about his cache of cold cash in his freezer. It didn't surprise me at all. <style>div.boytos{font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; display:none; margin-bottom:10px;}</style> <div class="boytos" style="clear:none;"> <h2>Viagra for Men and Women</h2> Both men and women can benefit from the little blue pill that has made ED treatment easy and very affordable. If you have a condition that is similar to impotence you can <a href="">buy real Viagra on the Internet</a> and enjoy the top effective results of this medication in increasing genital blood flow. Just hit your doctor's clinic and ask for a prescription. </div>
