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  • Reply to: The Cato Institute's Generous Funding of Patrick Michaels   15 years 3 months ago
    Since the politicization of global warming by politicians like Al Gore, research funding by the government has been unprecedented and biased with the assumption that global warming is man-made and needs to be corrected. Even the intelligence community has been forced to "research" the effects of global warming, which in turn was used by Congress to show how serious global warming must be. If a University or private research group wants funds, than you have to go into it with the assumption being driven by the dollars. The blame placed on energy companies is justified for sponsoring biased research; as is the politically driven tax dollars and many of the biased reports being produced. Have we really gotten to the place were honest skeptical research is not permitted or differing view are suppressed because it doesn't fit with the "abundance of evidence" paid for by politically driven tax dollars? What is that political driver: new taxes and control over an industry that has significant influence over the country.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Dear Wendell, I just wanted to say thank you. I am a graduate student (attending on scholarships, loans and part-time jobs) who has been unable to afford insurance since I was dropped form my father's policy several years ago. I have suffered greatly for this, from just 'dealing' with cavities and ear-infections to an accident where I broke my right thumb and was never able to receive any medical care for it. It feels terrible, having one's own body at the mercy of these ruthless, profit-motivated CEOs; Everyday that goes by when my thumb aches, I can't help but feel that the only reason I could not obtain treatment was because someone had to find a way to make money off my bad luck, and since I had no money to give, I got no treatment. If I lived in Canada or Britain, no problem, but in the greatest nation in the world so many of us are left to suffer for the sake of nothing other than greed. Health insurance in America today is, at best, no different than extortion: you pay the guys in charge or you pay the price. Not enough dough? Too bad. At worst, it is not far removed from someone putting a gun to your head and demanding money; sooner or later than debilitating accident or that terminal disease is coming, and if you haven't paid your dues, America is going to sit by and watch you die. Anyway, what I meant to get at was a thank you. Thank you for fighting for me. Thank you from all in my situation. We need you. In some cases, our lives depend upon you. You're a strong man for following your heart on this and doing the right thing. Keep fighting the good fight.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    is the lining on the pockets of these misanthropes. Thanks for posting numbers like these, Wendell. Sooner or later, the "$2T savings" over ten years among the insurers will dawn on people as the kind of figure that indicates a complete overhaul is in order for this institutionalized theft from the American public.
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    You seem to be one of the key individuals who realizes that companies who are raking in profits on health care aren't going to be interested in reducing everyone's health care cost at the expense of their profits. No one in Congress or the Administration seems to think that will be an obstacle, as a result we get all these absurdly detailed health care plan proposals when what we really need is a health care strategy for winning what will be a war with the profiteers. My strategy: Fight FUD with facts. Before we try to make a plan, we ought to find out where all the dollars actually go. Everyone has a pet political dogma driven theory about it, but no one has any facts. The first thing we need is the legislation and research required to track all the health care dollars. Then put 'em on a big chart with direct patient benefit on one axis and cost on the other. Now you can form a plan to attack the items high on cost and low on patient benefit - keep repeating the process forever. Details of strategy can be found at
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    I work for another giant insurance company, and I want to thank you for speaking out. The article about you on nearly brought me to tears -- you are saying the things I've been trying to convey to friends and loved ones about the insurance industry and the way the US health care system is set up. Thank you. You were very brave to do this.
