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  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    I am never quite sure why heaping praise on predators and predatory behavior by industry types comes accompanied by the sign off: "God Bless the USA" . Should the majority of patients/citizens who are being fleeced by this industry (and likewise the credit card industry) feel ourselves unpatriotic? What should WE invoke? "God Bless The Sheep", "Long Live Mutton"? And the loss of health insurance jobs may mean they will shift to productive employment in industries that are lean and where the profits come from value provided not "gotcha". Most of us know we are being ripped off by now: the ones who deny it profit from it or are paid to ignore the glaring truth. PJR MD
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    we can no longer trust board members and CEO'S of the health care giants. once again we are forced to rebuild a part of life which we enjoy. we shall use federal law to be a vehicle for this transition of power. to regulate health. the hand off of the money that funds insurance companies to pay for doctors,hospital, etc... must be swift in transaction as so that it the transaction doesnt effect or disturb the nature of its existence. ( the wellness of American people ) . the employer based system is a large asset for funding Americas largest health care system. personal accounts will follow the employer based accounts. first in regard too medical, vision, dental, long and short term disability, life, etc... the American people the average mid class tax payer shall have the final say in who regulates health care. it is vital to begin this new division of the federal government as soon a possible ( know ). Mr. Ron Williams should re-think the direction he is taking his investor. the American public will reach a point in a deep recession that they will drop health coverage all together. we cant wait for the big collapse. as this will threaten millions of lives.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Cut the crappola above about 'gomnt' being 'full of ignoramuses. It took me six months about two years ago to simply get my BILLING ADDRESS CHANGED as re: CIGNA Government Services which administers Medicare in: TN; ID; NC. I called, submitted forms, called, submitted forms. I spent hours and hours when I could have been caring for clients as a psychologist. CIGNA's 'Medicare Claims Express', the way a private provider submits electronic payment requests is so antiquated that it uses a DIAL UP MODEM. I had to farm out my billing to a person who spent two years in school to simply learn how to manipulate the CIGNA Medicare and private insurance company systems. Contrarily, NC Medicaid, administered by EDS, is a wonderful, user-friendly, efficient machine. BCBSNC which insures 75% of people who have insurance in NC-----AND WHO IS DEFENDED BY DEMOCRATIC SENATOR KAY HAGAN-----is using its stockpile of money to crash the single payer option. The former Democratic Party Chairman, Ken Eudy, created a company, CAPSTRAT, which creates the PR for BCBSNC; he was best man at BCBSNC CEO recent wedding (yes, I am a registered Democrat and proud of that). More details here (NC Mental Health Reform which has decimated NC's mental health care system, here: Details on BCBSNC, which for my 3 member healthy family, offers no preventive health care, and charges me premiums of $750/ month : Marsha V. Hammond, PhD
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    A long time ago I worked for a small insurance office. The gentleman who owned the office did not sell health insurance but did not have good views on the industry just the same. He once commented that insurance companies worship at the feet of drug lords and try to figure how to keep every last penny they get paid. It wouldn't matter if you paid on time for thirty years. One good claim and your gone. I agree with Mr. Potter, profits are most important to health care insurers and Wall Street. When it was still pre-election time my Aunt was very much against Hillary Clinton because she would "socialize" medicine. I said to her "are you kidding? don't you know those insurance companies would never let that happen? there's too much money for them to loose!" I continued "it wouldn't matter who put up legislation to change the health care system (Republican or Democrat) there would be tons of lobbying from the insurance industry." Mr. Potter good luck with your attempt to educate the present administration about who is asked to help shape the future of health care in our country.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    Thanks for speaking up and making the tough decision to leave healthcare. I did the same, but from the operations side. At some point you realize that by supporting the status quo we're contributing to the problem. Go out and pick up a copy of "Shop Class as Soul Craft".
