Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    Mr. Potter, God bless you. Thank you , thank you, thank you. We need more men like you and women as well to speak up. I fear that I may be falling through the cracks. I would like to know that I can get a hand up and continue to work and contribute to society for a few more years. No other democracy forces people to choose between staying in their homes and getting the care they need - and I DO have insurance. Its just that the premiums and deductibles themselves are becoming unmanageable. It doesn't help that the medications I need are so outrageously overpriced - even after being on the market for nearly thirty years! (I'm waiting for an exec from big pharma to spill the beans on how much of their profit really goes into r&d). Thank you for your voice!
  • Reply to: Books on Propaganda   15 years 2 months ago
    I found the doucmentary Century of the Self interesting. It covered the connections between psychology, marketing and propaganda. The 5 part video can be found on
  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    "There are many examples of efforts on the part of health plans to deliver quality health care." Insurance companies and other health plan administrators don't deliver any health care. They are financing funnels who charge money to either administer a plan for a corporation sponsoring a health plan, or to deny coverage to boost profits of an insurance company. Insurance companies aren't practicing doctors, don't perform operations or don't practice medicine. Insurance companies serve no purpose in health care except to add costs and deny needed care to make additional profits. They add nothing to health care except for providing a vastly overpriced financing method.
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    You discuss at length the problems of health care reform, but fail to mention that the ultimate reform must come from Americans taking charge of their own health. . . Changing to more healthful lifestyles that reduce their need for doctors and drugs.
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    Mr. Potter, I too applaud your humanity for taking the plunge and decided to root for the little guy. The loudest drum beat of the anti-reform crowd is that if you have a nationalized plan, you will have rationed care. See 7-7-09 WSJ Opinion page It is a well crafted argument that you see everywhere. Care to comment? FF
