Attorney General Schimel Withholds Documents Related to His Legal War Against the Affordable Care Act
CMD files suit to obtain public records from Wisconsin DOJ.
CMD files suit to obtain public records from Wisconsin DOJ.
At the heart of this exemption from the retention rules for state lawmakers are arrogance and cowardice. Arrogance that legislators don't think they should be subject to the same scrutiny as other public officials. Cowardice that they're afraid of the scrutiny.
The Center for Media and Democracy released a new report today, "Using Unions to Carry Big Oil's Water," detailing how the fossil fuel industry and the American Legislative Exchange Council cynically use unions to win Democratic support for legislation that criminalizes and chills environmental protests under the guise of "worker safety."
Lawmakers and the University of Wisconsin System should not be able to conduct the public's business through secret channels.
A Convention of States resolution calling for a radical rewrite of the U.S. Constitution is once again moving in the Wisconsin Legislature.
Republicans drew their own heavily favorable state legislative districts after their 2010 election wave. Now it's time for a new round of redistricting, and the GOP will have an even greater advantage.
Spike in wealth – led by John Menard, Jr., Herbert Kohler, Jr., and Diane Hendricks – is five times more than Wisconsin’s $2 billion revenue shortfall, according to a new report.
Nonprofit ethics watchdogs American Oversight and the Center for Media and Democracy today submitted a complaint to the Senate Select Committee on Ethics calling for an investigation into Senator Ron Johnson's abuse of his official position as chair of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.
The Milwaukee-based foundation funded many of the groups behind the right-wing campaign against coronavirus public safety measures and made specific grants to support rapid reopening efforts. Since then, COVID-19 cases have soared across the U.S. and in Wisconsin.
The Milwaukee-based foundation pumped more than $42 million in 2019 into a network of right-wing groups dedicated to attacking unions, blocking climate action, creating obstacles to voting, and promoting the GOP’s political power and policy agenda.
Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)
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