CMD Reporting on Walker Dark Money Criminal Probe
New reports from the Center for Media and Democracy/ on the John Doe criminal probe.
New reports from the Center for Media and Democracy/ on the John Doe criminal probe.
Documents released by the Guardian indicate that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker may have solicited and received corporate checks for the 2011 Senate recall fight and his own 2012 recall election.
Video footage of a closed-door webinar provided to CMD reveals Frank Luntz' firm instructing state chamber of commerce lobbyists to ignore polling that shows Chamber members across the country overwhelmingly support progressive workplace policies including raising the minimum wage, providing paid sick days, and more.
ALEC continues to push a corporate-driven school privatization agenda through legislatures across the country.
West Virginia is the latest front in a national battle to undermine worker rights bankrolled by the billionaire Koch brothers.
Jane Mayer's new book, Dark Money, reveals how Fred Koch profited from dealing with Hitler's Germany and praised Germany while criticizing American workers.
The Koch brothers have received positive press for supporting criminal justice reform, but the evidence shows that, in part, they are in it for themselves.
A year-long CMD investigation reveals that the federal government has pumped millions into charter schools that closed or never even opened.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court will rule on the John Doe tomorrow and the investigation of Scott Walker and outside dark money groups will simply disappear.
ALEC wants state legislators to require kids to be taught its twisted brand of history, which claims that our "founding principles" require balanced budgets and that government's primary purpose is to protect private property from theft.
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