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  • Reply to: Obama's False Friends of Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    As a victim of the health insurance industry and a proponent of universal, single-payer, tax-supported Medicare For All, at least I have the guts to sign my name when I comment on a blog post. Everyone who loves this country enough to want to improve it can join us in Washington D.C. on July 30 for the Single-Payer Rally and Lobby Day in celebration of the 44th birthday of Medicare. Details at
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    We have a very similar problem in health care access as we do in media --television and radio-- access. Private fiefdoms have been set up on top of the public in order to enrich the feudal lords at the expense of the common people. Why? Because this arrangement provides the aristocrats with enough financial and political clout to control who gets to run for important elected offices, like Congress, Senate, or President of the United States. Like O'Brien said in 1984: There's no ultimate reason for wanting power. It is the end in itself. After a high, single-digit number of gin and tonics or martinis on a Saturday evening in June, just as the lawn party is wrapping up, I can hear George Will saying something to that same effect as his buddy or his wife helps him to his car--you know, in an unguarded moment. He should know, after all. He's one of the deceptive mouthpieces placed by the ruling class in order to stifle meaningful public political discourse (without the public realizing they're being gagged). O'Brien has nothing on Will. So there really can't be reform. There can only be a strangling of meaningful dialogue, with the usual failed results, as long as we the people let ourselves be controlled by the corporate chiefs, deceived by their media ministers, and frustrated by their officeholding stooges. For those in power, and their George Will-ish propagandists, reform would be like giving the manor to the serfs.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 2 months ago
    Doyou have a name, religion or any other information about this teacher to baes this article on? All seems a bit too good to be true!
  • Reply to: Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Don't Ask George Will   15 years 2 months ago
    People are so worried about losing their job, coverage, denial of treatment, which seems to increase bank deposit latetly. That means stimulus funding mainly goes toward bank deposit for a rainy day increasing jobless rate. It proves again that a healthy society yields better productivity, prosperity. It is time to 'Change' the notion of the public health as a fundamental human right and install 'a safety system for all' like all of the other industrialized nations, I think.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   15 years 3 months ago
    i saw a special last night on TV about Wendell Potter and today had to find a way to give my two cents worth. I have been in health care for twenty five years with a multi-specialty medical group who contracts with commercial and medicare advantage plans. ALL the plans waste money everyday!! Their focus is not for the patient or the doctor it is for how much money they can make by "reviewing the doctor's recomendations" and saying "sorry it is not medically indicated" or sorry your patient does not meet criteria". I am so happy that there are people like Wendell who are now willing to speak out! We need to fix this problem NOW. Wendell, please share all your experiences with President Obama and with anyone else who will listen. Your same experiences are still happening everyday at every insurance carrier. I have contacts inside every insurance company that our medical group contracts with who say the same thing you are saying. BUT they can't speak out because they have families to feed and a morgage to pay.
