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  • Reply to: CMD's Lisa Graves Testifies Before U.S. Senate on Patriot Act   15 years 1 week ago
    My name is Randy Albert and I have ran A Cab Taxi service in Elk City, Oklahoma for almost ten years.I believe I may have experienced the worst case of documented phone tampering by law enforcement in history. For over two years we have had our calls blocked by law enforcement.(not monitored) I have an incredible amount of proof and I believe you will be shocked by the details. I have carefully documented it on video and have a lot of information that I believe is worth an incredible amount of money. For six months I had two phones with the same phone number on them. One received calls from about half the cell phone companies and the other received calls from land lines and the other half of the cell phone companies. I transferred threw four companies like this and even put the number on an AT&T land line but it still didn't fix it. Tracfone told me for six months that they would fix it but I don't think it was Tracfone I was talking to on the video. So many unreal things have happened to me in the last 2 1/2 years that I feel lucky to even be alive. I had a group of people try to make a deal with me not to call the FCC and I would have all the cab calls I could do but after two weeks I couldn't go threw with it and broke the deal. Please help me with this mess. The local FBI told me that we didn't need a taxi service here anymore and if I wanted to get my phone to work right I was going to have to go to the Texas Panhandle to get phone service. I don't think its a case of proving it anymore there is too much evidence. Please call me 580821ACAB 580225TAXI or email me at I can prove that the Department Of Transportation in Oklahoma City played a huge role in tampering with my land line and check out what I believe to be an impersonation of Fox News in New york 3 minutes into this video.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 1 week ago
    Mr. Potter, Thank you for what you've done and what you are doing. Please run for office. We need people like you in office. John L. Myers IV Houston, Texas
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   15 years 1 week ago
    Yet somehow--you believe yourself to be "independent"? Why is that exactly? What are your credentials for National Security? It might be helpful to read alternative views, history, political science journals, and the like in order to provide yourself with enough historical context into the issues. One thing you might learn about retired military officers is how varied their backgrounds and political leanings are. Being small-minded doesn't help the discussion.
  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   15 years 1 week ago
    What I think would be more helpful is for Congress to rewrite the laws in order to allow for the use of propaganda as we conduct the Global War on Terror or the War of Ideas against Radical Islamists. The sensitivities on the subject are conjured up by a few short-sighted individuals; we need to be bold in our actions--and the War of Ideas is the largest battle to be fought and won. By the way, this was routinely practiced throughout our countries history as well as within most other countries. Propaganda was essential during WWI, WWII, the Cold War (and its surrogate wars --e.g., Vietnam) to maintaining the American public's focus and support for a tough well as altering/influencing those aboard (allies and enemies). Bring it back--now--and with a vegence. Those against this actions simply have a losing mentality and want to see the U.S. defeated.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 1 week ago
    Mr. Potter: We were co-workers in the Public Affairs department when you arrived at Humana as a brilliant writer. I was laid off when Humana divested itself of its for-profit hospital division, but was re-hired about a year later. I finally left Humana due to my own crisis of conscience. I, too, could no longer work in the deceptive environment fostered and rewarded by top executives. I often wondered how the late Wendell Cherry's own insurance claim would have been handled had he not been a co-founder of the company. Were his medical records scrutinized in the same manner as Joe Public's? Would his claim for coverage due to cancer have been denied since he'd been a lifelong smoker? I am over 50 and, like so many others, am currently unemployed and cannot afford healthcare insurance. I am terrified of what the future holds. As you have so clearly stated, a public option absolutely must be included in any healthcare reform bill. There is NO other way the healthcare insurance industry will make available an affordable product which cannot be cancelled at their discretion. I applaud you! As a PR professional, you knew It would take a figure of your stature and integrity in the industry to focus attention on the real story. You undertook great personal risk to lead this counter-campaign. You are and have always been a straight shooter. You have my total support in Louisville, KY.
