Recent comments

  • Reply to: Welcome, Mary Bottari, the Director of the Real Economy Project of CMD!   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Hi Mary. Will you be responding to my question?
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Rally Against Wall Street's Health Care Takeover   15 years 2 weeks ago
    With so much said about health care in the past few months, from partisans on both sides, it strikes me that I have not encountered any study to address the major claims made in these arguments. I remember reading several years ago that hospitals only collected 75% of all billings, and just 25% of ER billings. Is this true? If a single payer system were instituted how much would this save us on premiums? How much would prevention cost versus any savings? Tort reform would save 10% according to the State of New Jersey, can we accomplish that without punishing those truly wronged by malpractice? How much is added to health care costs by having private insurance companies, with their profit motives as middlemen, versus the cost of a government single payer system with the inefficiencies that would accompany it? I tend to believe that healthcare should not be sullied by a profit motive( I do not consider the salaries of health care workers as profit, they are underpaid, but that is another subject), and we seem to be trapped by that today, with a way out fraught with uncertainty, and I don't see anyone giving us concrete answers to the different opinions we have been hearing. Where can an open mind find truth on this subject?
  • Reply to: Cash-Roots, Manufactured Anger, and Hot Air over Health Care   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Out here in Tea party land we have no idea who runs F Works and we certainly don't get any funding from them. You greatly underestimate the Tea Party movement perhaps because you are only looking for what you want to find and not what the truth is about the tens of thousands who are gathering, communicatiing and getting involved. That being said is not the issue of big money support really the pot calling the kettle black ? Who is George Sorso, Ms. Heinz-Kerry, Ms.Pritzker, SEIU, Acorn, AFL-CIO. Your work might be credible ifyou could leave you biases at the door and just report fair and balanced.
  • Reply to: The Cashroots Conspiracy Behind FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity   15 years 2 weeks ago

    Click at the very top where the 'source' is cited. Good point, though, I'll also include it in the body!

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 2 weeks ago
    Dear Mr. Potter: I am sure that you are going down a very difficult road and I applaud you for taking a stance on Health Care reform. Having worked in a cancer center for many years, I can tell you from firsthand experience that thousands of Americans with some type of health insurance are not receiving adequate treatment for their cancer because they cannot afford the copayments or payments for their treatment. The first assessment that was made on the patients prior to the actual chemotherapy was whether or not they could afford the co-payments. I have seen many people go into bankruptcy or sell their homes to pay for treatment. Conversely, there I saw people who had multiple coverage over treated for their cancer, to the point where there great insurance coverage was a detriment to their end of life experience. They were over treated for their condition.
