Recent comments

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   15 years 1 week ago
    Please publicize the details of "how easily insurance companies circumvent existing regulations" (quote from today's Salon article). I consider publicaion of this information to be critical to passage of a public option. You are in a unique position to make this happen. The stakes are huge. Given the consequences, a tell-all from a CIGNA executive would make "The Informant!" and "The Insider" pale in comparison. Thanks so much for your efforts. But - detailed facts trump generalities any day.
  • Reply to: Humana's Medicare Scare Called Out   15 years 1 week ago

    The last I heard 500 amendments have been proposed to the Baccus (insurance company hired gun) plan. The letter sent by Humana is based on speculation and is a scare tactic pure and simple. Too bad because Humana, is actually one of the most ethical group of insurance companies in operation. Although being one of the best of the of the worst isn't saying a whole lot.

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   15 years 1 week ago
    I Would like to know if Mr. Potter knows of price fixing among the BIG 7 , healthcare providers. If so, has he testified to this to Congress? This alone would be a violation of the Taft- Hartley Act, and could be a possible remedy to this whole mess.
  • Reply to: Attack of the Living Front Groups: PR Watch Offers Help to Unmask Corporate Tricksters   15 years 1 week ago
    You seriously think that people on the left do not have any multi-international corporations supporting these acts? Take off the blinders, they're just as corrupt.
  • Reply to: CMD's Lisa Graves Testifies Before U.S. Senate on Patriot Act   15 years 1 week ago
    I am sick of agenda-driven, partisans giving half-truths out in what is supposed to be a testimony of effectiveness of policy and not what Lisa thinks about said policy. What Lisa so quickly overlooks is that all administrations were given wide and accepted powers of watching potential threats until they were deemed non-threats. These methods were used to a much greater degree by some previous administrations than even Bush's and I for one welcome the intrusions on any "bad actors" and the innocent who were proved and kept innocent. We all have been kept safer which is what a tunnel-vision, partisan, mini-thinker like Lisa should re-found here criticism of any safty mechanism on. Go back and study what really keeps US safe. MJ.
