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  • Reply to: New Oil and Coal Fronts Greenwash Global Warming   15 years 6 days ago

    it's about equilibrium, sherlock.

  • Reply to: CMD's Lisa Graves Testifies Before U.S. Senate on Patriot Act   15 years 6 days ago
    Hi Lisa and thanks for your reply. I am amazed that you, a presummed dem/lib would hide behind a strict reading of the 4th ammendment. No lib has ever had a problem with (your favorite daddy) FDR putting away, jailing, spying upon and intimidating thousands when he had to. Why would you retreat from your candied position of "the Constitution is a living breathing document"? I am guessing you don't think our country is in as much danger as it was in the 40's. The War Powers Act was and is a proxy ammendment to the 4th giving the President tools that his informed and responsible position needed to carry out his first priority to the job and country. While i am sure FDR had his opposers he ultimately got to do what he needed to do and so did all other administrations. I really think that your fained concern for 4th rights is more an attempt to put an opposite party admin in a neferious light and foster doubt on its true and responsible intent to carry out its duty to you and our country or else you wouldn't and couldn't take the nitpicking stand against the responsible use of well-written, specific, and responsibly used assigned powers. No citizen has ever had a rights violation confirmed while many terrorists have been caught. When will you take the gloves off and help fight this country's threats? Your fellow citizen, MJ.
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   15 years 6 days ago
    It really is unbearable -- sickening -- to think of how this Finance Committee <i>Insurance Corporation Greed Enhancement Bill</i> will just shovel <i>perpetual cash</i> to the Wealthcare Corps. I'm sending the following to The Ed Show. Dear Ed, Wonderful whistleblower Wendell's new <i>Baucus Bill Needs Urgent Care</i> is an immediate emergency MUST-read. Your viewers should read it and, after weeping, phone Chairman Baucus demanding politely but urgently that he support a true <i>Competitive Public Choice</i> (no triggers, no co-ops) and funded regulations with teeth. Email The White House too. The shock and woe that the toothless <i>Baucus Hog-Trough Bill</i> could clearly make things much much worse is chilling. Whew. I can not bear it.
  • Reply to: Exposing How the Government Lied about National Security Letters and the Patriot Act   15 years 6 days ago
    A couple years back I had an acquaintance who was acting like an agent provocateur, trying to get me to say outrageous and terroristic things in the presence of a stranger. Now I wonder if the purpose was to paint me in a light that made an NSL seem plausible. (It might not have been wise, to have antagonized powerful Republicans....)
  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: How Corporate PR Works to Kill Health Care Reform   15 years 6 days ago
    Republicans have done a pretty good job at persuading senior citizens that Democrats are out to gut Medicare. This is sickening since Democrats essentially created Medicare and protected it from Republican attacks over decades. Something needs to be done to fix the health care system and insurance in this country. I'm not saying that I have the answer, but I've seen the devastation left behind from inadequate health care.
