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  • Reply to: The Insurance Industry's Lethal Bottom Line -- and a Solution From Sens. Franken and Rockefeller   14 years 8 months ago
    I, too, think he seems restrained, overly-cautious, muted, centrist, etc. Makes me skeptical. Bottari's great, however!
  • Reply to: Secret Jesus Codes on U.S. Military Weapons   14 years 8 months ago

    An automatic rifle isn't a "weapon of mass destruction." That's just typical tree-hugger hyperbole. A rifle is small arms, like a pistol or a hand grenade, or an individual bomblet of a cluster bomb. It can't kill any more people per magazine than the number of rounds in that magazine (unless, of course, they're stupid enough to line up in files).

    The only way you could possibly call rifles weapons of mass destruction is if you total up the number of people killed by them worldwide over time, say a month, as so many collectivistically minded people love to do.

  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   14 years 8 months ago

    What an irresponsible posting. You pushing American Spirits for RJR?

    Your "medicinal value of tobacco" is utter hogwash. Smoking _exacerbates_ stress. 44% of all cigarettes are sold to the mentally ill. Studies have found they're not self-medicating--smoking is making their mental difficulties worse. Smoking is a _risk factor_ for Alzheimer's, and dementia in general. And Bill Drake himself would caution you from selling people smoking for "digestive relief."

    Evidence for everything else save Parkinson's is very feeble, even contradictory. In science, one or two studies is not enough. You got Parkinson's--NOTHING else.

    Additives/pesticides may or may not worsen the effects, but overwhelmingly, the addiction and principal harms of smoking come directly from the tars, carbon monoxide, nicotine and cancer-causing nitrosamines that result from the burning and inhaling of plain old ordinary tobacco.

    No matter what RJR would like people to think, "Natural" tobacco is NOT a less harmful way to smoke.

    Back to Avatar: While a hypothetical viewer is busy rationalizing whether the cigarettes Cigourney Weaver smoke are different from today's--despite their looking identical-- he's missing the movie.

  • Reply to: Secret Jesus Codes on U.S. Military Weapons   14 years 8 months ago

    To Trijicon,

    May this humble appeal be noticed by your officials: Please cease to use verses of the bible especially those citing the Lord Jesus Christ in your manufactured fire arms. God never intended the verses of the bible to be engraved on weapons of mass-destruction. 2 Corinthians 3:3

  • Reply to: Secret Jesus Codes on U.S. Military Weapons   14 years 8 months ago

    I would wait for Bro. Eliseo Soriano to comment on this. In time, he will.

    He is the most learned one when it comes to biblical matters.
