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  • Reply to: Secret Jesus Codes on U.S. Military Weapons   14 years 8 months ago

    I may also be a "tree-hugger". So, for sure, I strongly believe an automatic rifle, a hand gun and a grenade are massive destruction weapons... because of my job, I've witnessed several times how a single bullet coming from a single gun has devastated an entire family and a loving neighborhood in ways you simply can't imagine, once that single bullet snatch away a child, a woman or a hard-working and honest man's life. Add to this any biblical sentence engraved to the weapon and you are ready to understand how the hate, the big fat and ugly hate works...

  • Reply to: Scott Brown Successfully Capitalized on the Bailout Blues   14 years 8 months ago
    So? There are thousand of credit unions. Some people do start their own banks. What is your point? People are not mad at banks. Don't be a child. But the situation nowadays is ridiculous. But not like that one commercial said. The one where a banker says "Banks only gives money to those who doesn't need it" And another guy said that it ridiculous. No it is not. Banks are not a welfare program that gives money to poor people. Banks give money to return it with profit. That means it gives money to people who have money but can do better with bank's money. And with the existing regulations banks just gives money to everyone. Still. I was buying a home recently and I probably was a unique person getting a loan with a decent down payment. Most gets mortgage still with 3% down. And who will pay the risks? Not the banks. We, taxpayers! That is ridiculous! I like Scott Brown. Yes we need banks to help businesses who create jobs in America. But we do not need them to risk money. Any if they do we should not bail them out. And I agree with Obama actually on the big banks tax. I don't know, may be in future it will not be tax but regulations. I don't like taxes too :). But right now it looks like particular big banks are those who black mail the nation forcing us to bailout them. They crated a situation then we can't refuse to bailout them because it will ruin the whole economy and they are still can gamble with our money.
  • Reply to: Smile! You Can Work for a Tobacco Company!   14 years 8 months ago

    its a recession, everyone is trying to get by. this mock-job interview is shameless.

  • Reply to: Tea Party Money-Bomb Elects Scott Brown, Blows-Up Obamacare   14 years 8 months ago
    Educated or not, the Reaganites succeeded in convincing Americans that sharing the wealth fairly is the work of the devil. The Democrats don't have the cajones to counter that because they are beholden to the same monied political class. Don't expect progressive or left-wing behavior from a Democrat. The repertoir of the Republicans and Democrats is like Ford and GM. One comes out with a new vehicle and the other copies it. The differences are there, but not significant. For the Democratic leadership to embrace progressivism or truly left-wing ideas would mean abandoning their sources. Their only route to office would be to educate the electorate. Unfortunately, the right realizes that education is futile. It's easier to use name calling and other school yard tactics. People will vote first with their emotions, namly fear. Education is a distant third after greed. If the left were to take over the Democratic party there would likely be bloodshed as the real political power wouldn't tolerate a viable party that speaks for the class of people who sell their labor to make a living. Think COINTELPRO and the Palmer Raids are just a historical footnote? Guess again, comrade.
  • Reply to: Tea Party Money-Bomb Elects Scott Brown, Blows-Up Obamacare   14 years 8 months ago
    The "results" from the Massachusetts race cannot be accurately analyzed because the election was rigged. While not it's most biting expose of election fraud, the, above linked, post from 'black box voting' shows how questionable election results are and how easy it is to figure that out! If you follow Greg Palast, he finds the same sorts of "irregularities" as 'black box voting', and BOTH of them have been reporting on the problem for a LONG time! Democrats are evidently not the answer, and appear to be Corporatists, too. Republicans are DEFINITELY NOT the answer, and are unequivocably Corporatist. The Corporatists appear to have us by the.
