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  • Reply to: Hadji Girl   14 years 8 months ago
    We already have enough problems in Iraq and now this guy.
  • Reply to: Tea Party Convention Squeezes Fans   14 years 8 months ago

    Individuals need to add their own creative contributions by thinking and working alone until they are ready to eventually get together with people they trust and can rely on and create something 'movements' can never do.

    When people join 'movements' it seems that too often they are willing to move to a beat drummed up by a hierarchy where they can lose their own identity and potential to add their creative contributions. Joining movements and doing things thought up by other people is more convenient than it is effective for the long term.

    We need a more open format that can integrate a huge number of ideas from a largely diverse number of persons. I don't think any movements are sophisticated and well-funded enough to overtake the two-party 'tyranny' system at this point. Persistence, learning, and growing into something that is not pre-planned absolutely are needed just to begin to attempt to develop a hopeful force to be reckoned with.

    Tickets for over $500?! Already a mistake from the start. Again, a hierarchy...this resembles the "personal democracy" forums/conferences here in NYC where I think the entrance fee has gone up every year. It is also hundreds of dollars. Democracy if you have the money. Democracy if you are of a particular demographic. It's obviously all ridiculous.

  • Reply to: Wendell Potter: Baucus' Health Care Bill Needs Urgent Care   14 years 8 months ago
    Interesting! Help me put your "facts" in perspective. As a percent of total Medicare claims submitted in one year what does the 475,566 claims denyed represent? How does that figure compare with the total number of claims denyed (1) in the private sector as a whole and (2) Medicare Advantage Plans administered by private insurance companies? With respect to overspending by Medicare on the services listed in your examples, in what year did they occur? What role did lobbyist have to block or reduce payments to private firms providing the listed medical appliances? What role, votes on record shown separately by Republican, Democra and Independent, did congress play to block Medicare administrators from obtaining competitive bids on commonly used medical products? You are spot on saying "What I don’t like is misinformation, and un-truthfulness." Please provide the information requested and we will go on from here. Thank you!
  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   14 years 8 months ago

    >>Everything you see in a movie is there on purpose

    True, I was giving Cameron the benefit of the doubt. But Weaver's smoking seems increasingly aberrant the more you examine it.

    Cameron claims the smoking was to present Weaver initially as unsympathetic, and to show Weaver's character didn't care about her human body. Huh? As Sigourney herself will tell you, keeping a 60-year-old body that buff is not easy. Her character obviously takes VERY good care of her body. To follow Cameron's supposed rationale, Grace Augustine should have been fat and slovenly (a more interesting choice; she could have awoken shouting, "WHERE'S MY TWINKIE?").

    And crying "realism" really doesn't make it.

    1. In 150 years, apparently no one smokes--EXCEPT Sigourney Weaver. Not even the military. She's the only one in the movie who smokes.

    2. It's certainly unrealistic to expect nicotine addiciton to take _exactly_ the same form as it does today. 150 years ago, it was snuff, or smokeless, or cigars. NOT cigarettes, which, when used, were laboriously hand-rolled. 150 years from now, it'll be orbs, or snus, or e-cigs, or inhalers, or patches, or --you get the point. Something _else_.

    3. This would be a seriously atypical scientist. 44% of cigarettes are sold to the mentally ill; most smokers are poor and uneducated.

    4. Smoking in the tightly-controlled-atmosphere of a lab is unrealistic in so many ways. The tars and nicotine in tobacco smoke get _everywhere_, including sensitive electornic equipment. Tobacco mosaic virus is common on cigarette tobacco and can easily be transmitted from a smoker's hands to biological samples, contaminating them. Let alone space-flight weight restrictions, SHS regulations and coworkers' objections.

    So why IS there smoking in Avatar?

    You're right--considering Cameron's Titanic also, it's hard to excuse this event as "unconscious."

    It's propaganda, pure and simple.

    Avatar is an ad for smoking: strong, tough, healthy, independent, smart, moral, buff, heroic women smoke.

    And, judging from the number of kids in the theatre, the stacks of booster seats(!) outside Avatar screenings in the multiplexes, all the reported repeat viewings, and all the prime-time TV exposure in the future--millions upon millions of kids around the world will be getting the message for decades to come.

  • Reply to: The First Casualty   14 years 8 months ago
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