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  • Reply to: Smoking in "Avatar": Necessary to "Reflect Reality"?   14 years 8 months ago

    Maybe those "cigarettes" (undefined for content) in Avatar were not the typical multi-ingredient, highly-processed, chlorine-contaminated (dioxin-delivering), pesticide-contaminated, radiation-contaminated (from certain still legal fertilizers), burn-accelerant-adulterated, etc., products we have today.

    Maybe the Avatar future cigarettes were just plain tobacco, with no non-tobacco industrial toxins and carcinogens or untested stuff.

    And maybe, due to some revolution, legitimate science, freed from corporate profit restraints, rose from the ashes to educate the public about the medicinal values of tobacco for stress relief, appetite suppression, digestive relief, alertness, and even symptomatic relief for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's....and how inhalation of the natural plant smoke (as opposed to some patented corporate substitute) is the best way (as it is with cannabis) to get the positive effects.

    Don't know about tobacco pesticides and dioxins and the radiation? Many, sadly, do not. Just google up "Fauxbacco" or "Bill Drake Smoke and Illusion" for pretty much all one needs to go free from the corporate spins on the topic.

  • Reply to: Scott Brown Successfully Capitalized on the Bailout Blues   14 years 8 months ago
    Yes the typical liberal rag is too state the obvious over and over again which unfortunately is completely useless.If people are so mad at the banks why don't they start there own banks or even something entirely new. The problem simply is not only with corrupt officials as the usual political rag goes but also with a corrupt and outdated system that the majority of Americans support. If people are angry about gas prices should they wait only for the government and private industry to change things?If they do then they merely sup[port the paternalism that comes from the traditional plantation system. Or should they at long last look at themselves as creators and not just consumers and option out of the rat race to govern themselves in local communities more like what the first Americans had in mind? I think that these are the real choices otherwise things can only get worse i am sorry to say. Come on people where is the great individual American creativity? Anyhow the point i am making is that the average voter is also a big part of the problem because they support a corrupt and totally dumbed down system. Why don't we hear more about what people can do to solve the problems rather then the lame reiteration of the problems over and over again?
  • Reply to: Tea Party Money-Bomb Elects Scott Brown, Blows-Up Obamacare   14 years 8 months ago
    Let's be clear, the rest of the country is too uneducated to understand health care and they don't want it. WE NEED TO STOP THESE RIGHT WINGERS AT ALL COSTS. THEY ARE NOT EDUCATED. This was a vote against health care reform because they are too stupid to realize that it would be cheaper if the Government takes control. Everytime I read a Glenn Beck quote I want to punch something. The nutjobs just can't get it through their heads. Why don't they want everyone to have free health care? It's like not wanting children to get gifts on Christmas. It just doesn't make sense. I still think these people were voting against Bush not Obama.
  • Reply to: Scott Brown Successfully Capitalized on the Bailout Blues   14 years 8 months ago
    I do think this vote is also about "health care reform." In a Time magazine article, Schwarzenegger reported the proposed plan, which includes vastly expanding Medicaid, would add another $3-4 billion to California's budget annually for tax payers to handle. Our politicians are doing what so many now in housing foreclosure have done - pulling all the equity out of the property, or over leveraging the property, without planning for a rainy day. The administration's proposed Fiscal Year 2010 budget included a recommendation that health insurance reform be "paid for" by limiting the value of the mortgage interest deduction - a great way to stimulate the housing market??? The money will have to come from somewhere at some point in time, and guess who will pick up the tab.....
  • Reply to: Tea Party Money-Bomb Elects Scott Brown, Blows-Up Obamacare   14 years 8 months ago
    John, it seems to me the Democrats lost this in the primary when the ignored the experienced progressive Congressman and supported Ms. Coakley. A progressive who was critical of the Democratic leadership from the left would have probably won this seat.
