Recent comments

  • Reply to: Obama to Wall Street: "You want a fight? I am ready."   14 years 8 months ago
    Oh, please. Another sound bark, not even a bite. He had the opportunity to do this since day 1. But no, now he is tough on the banks. They already have all our money. He slaps wrists and then behind the curtains they divide up the money. It reminds me of Cuba or mother Russia. Tell the stupid public one thing do another. The sheep will follow. He is a reactionist. He is NO leader. He is the Princes new clothes. He sold us down the river just like the last bunch of liars. Except he did it behind our backs. At least the others had the decency to do it in our faces. It took 3 high profile losses NJ VA and now MA for him to start to get it. And lets face it NO government worth it's salt ever created jobs. They allow small business and environment that lets them grow and create jobs. Government is overhead. Overhead!
  • Reply to: Where's the Outrage Over Obama's Health Care Propagandist, Jonathan Gruber?   14 years 8 months ago
    nice job stauber...once again. excuse me but heck with obama.....ok? and his whole administration. "meet the new bosss!!! same as the ole' boss!! when are we gonna learn? had some respect for krugman...but now? anyway nice job marcy wheeler keep it up ff
  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 8 months ago
    Yes, in some regards it's definitely obscene that corporations are viewed as persons under the law. However, as is pointed out on the petition page "Corporations can't go to jail when they hurt or kill someone." Well, obviously the entire corporation can't. I do think there needs to be more accountability for some of their harmful practices and in that sense treat them more like "persons." A fine that's a drop in the bucket compared to their profits isn't much of a deterent, and in fact most of them would rather pay a fine than improve their product, as the latter does much more to cut into their obscene profits.
  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 8 months ago
    Two points: 1. Restricting corporations is not the same as restricting people. The corporations that were responsible for the [w:Bhopal_disaster|Bhopal industrial disaster) (that killed thousands of people and resulted in 20,000 deaths with an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 survivors with permanent injuries) was never held to account for its culpability and nor have any of the successor corporations that replaced Union Carbide. So when it is advantageous, a corporation is a person and when it isn't then it isn't. Corporations serve to allow the rich to behave with impunity and suffer no consequences. Corporations should not be allowed to act as a cloak for gangster capitalists. 2. Wealth should not be allowed to drown the voice of the poor who are in fact the majority. If one person with $Billions in personal wealth can afford to bury the truth in a sea of self-serving persuasiveness, <i>that</i> is the limitation to free speech we are concerned with here. Limiting the say of the rich to allow all individuals the same amount of airtime is optimizing freedom of speech
  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 8 months ago
    Dear Mr. Fairley: I really do appreciate your signing the petition and I would like to assure you that it is not grandstanding. We have to start somewhere. The court's decision and its implications are daunting. And, you are right 2/3 of Congress seems remote; that's why I think we have to start with referenda in the states and get some momentum. With some victories in state and local referenda we can show a groundswell of opposition to this illegitimate decision by the court and create some real pressure. I cannot accept the alternative to this uphill battle, which is to just give in. On the language of my proposal it is intended to help begin the conversation about what the rules out to be. I support both of the ideas you suggest and I am hoping that having specific, understandable language will spur improvements and help broaden the parameters of what we can and should do. Thank you for your comments! Lisa
