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  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 8 months ago
    Excellent story. We need to remove money, lobbying, and corporate speech from our politics and this ruling undermines that goal. Lawrence Lessig, also nails it
  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 8 months ago
    I don't agree that these justices are all bad they have made some good decisions. However, this one I think is a little far reaching. They have a point that government was making too much decisions and descretions on the law. I believe the solution is to have only debates toward the end of an election and no TV ads. This won't happen I don't believe because both Democrat and Republicas like their power too much. However, this would save money and keep the decisions based on debates and arguments rather than advertising. I agree that there may be Republican influence here. However, to blame conservatives is wrong. I am conservative and I don't agree with this move. I believe good debating like in this forum is a good thing. Let's not lump people into groups unless it is justified. I belong to a social network that is conservative at and we don't go after power but really try to support others. Plus, it invites healthy debate
  • Reply to: Trijicon to Stop Putting Biblical References on Gun Sights   14 years 8 months ago

    It's easy-any corporate entity that endangers US interests or US soldiers by it's conduct should be removed from the pool of organizations able to bid on gov't contracts.

  • Reply to: Citizens United Is a Radical Rewriting of the Constitution by Pro-Corporate Supreme Court   14 years 8 months ago
    funny thing is that there are individuals with the level of money that corporations have that do the same thing...are those people to be silenced also? Is it just a money thing? Corporations will send lobbyists to washington no matter who is in office and achieve the same desired effect. Be careful how you look at the first amendment because as soon as you start restricting someone else's free speech, yours is just around the corner.
  • Reply to: Tea Party Money-Bomb Elects Scott Brown, Blows-Up Obamacare   14 years 8 months ago
    It is the Democracy like you it or not! If you want to participate educate yourself to respect your opponent opinions.
