Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Victory for the People!   14 years 5 months ago
    The nation-state is an obsolete concept in today's global society, and it allows some people to suffer under terrible local laws and mismanagement/manipulation of local currencies. If we only had one currency, currency speculation would be impossible. I can't argue that it could be abused, but a one-world government is the only way to enforce little things like human rights and labor laws, so I can't quite dismiss it out of hand. That said, this audit will likely cause a global depression as everybody realizes exactly how much of their money was stolen by the super-wealthy elites. Let's hope we can all do something about it.
  • Reply to: SourceWatch Preserves History Unwritten by the Family Research Council   14 years 5 months ago
    ----- Dobson publicly prayed that his savior would "frustrate the plans of the Evil One and revive us again with conviction and forgiveness,” referring to the President of the United States, Barack Obama. ----- This isn't strictly relevant to the main point of the post, but when Dobson refers to "the plans of the Evil One," he certainly is not referring to President Obama. As much as Dobson may dislike Obama's politics, he saves the name "the Evil One" for Satan.
  • Reply to: Dylan Ratigan Coins the Phrase "Bankster Party"   14 years 5 months ago
    This is hilarious! Thank you! Here's a great site for more: Click on the GAMES button in the nav. bar and Shoot the Bull!
  • Reply to: A Victory for the People!   14 years 5 months ago
    This is great news, and I congratulate all who worked so hard to get it! Make sure you get a complete extreme comprehensive deep Audit done by the most trustworthy, best professional auditors and Chartered Accountants that can be found! Look for solid, good reason, to end the Fed and further expand on the availability of Audit and correction for the benefit of the American citizens! Once again congratulations, and here's to Ron Paul for President 2012! Bring in as many candidates, with Ron Paul style Constitutionalists and honest Constitutionalists , that you can find, to run for office right accross America! Make sure no candidates are Elitist members, re: CFR, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Goldman Sachs etc. We need to have many candidates in the wings as we know, the Mafia Elitists will attempt to stop us from taking back our country and making it a Just country, once again! There are no true Americans' that want a "One World Government", in the USA! No citizen in the world that is sane, should desire such a catastrophe either!
  • Reply to: University of California Praises Hill & Knowlton   14 years 5 months ago

    UCB Chancellor Birgeneau Loss of Trust,Credibility
    The UCB budget gap has grown to $150 million, and still the Chancellor is spending money that isn't there on expensive outside consultants. His reasons range from the need for impartiality to requiring the "innovative thinking, expertise, and new knowledge" the consultants would bring.

    Does this mean that the faculty and management of a world-class research and teaching institution lack the knowledge, impartiality, innovation, and professionalism to come up with solutions? Have they been fudging their research for years? The consultants will glean their recommendations from interviewing faculty and the UCB management that hired them; yet solutions could be found internally if the Chancellor were doing the job HE was hired to do. Consultant fees would be far better spent on meeting the needs of students.

    There can be only one conclusion as to why creative solutions have not been forthcoming from the professionals within UCB: Chancellor Birgeneau has lost credibility and the trust of the faculty as well as of the Academic Senate leadership that represents them. Even if the faculty agrees with the consultants' recommendations - disagreeing might put their jobs in jeopardy - the underlying problem of lost credibility and trust will remain.
