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  • Reply to: Lisa Graves Hammers Citizens United Spinners on the Patt Morrison Show   14 years 5 months ago

    I’m pleased I located this web page, I couldnt get any knowledge on this subject before. I also manage a website and if you want to ever interested in doing some guest writing for me if possible feel free to let me know, im always look for people to check out my web site. Please stop by and leave a comment sometime! You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it

  • Reply to: Wal-Mart's Hidden Cashroots Advocacy Exposed in Chicago   14 years 5 months ago

    Its ridiculous. Such a big business house is unknown about the misuse of its information . No one can believe this either. Its difficult to believe that any one can take such disadvantage. It was good that the IP address was traced and investigation made to the root of the information. The more important thing is it was communicated to the proper person. Much care should be taken hence forth to avoid such misuse.

  • Reply to: 50th Anniversary of The Pill: Triumph and Controversy   14 years 5 months ago
    the is no question that the pill had a huge impact on the social history of women, but no piece on the pill should neglect the debate as to its safety. check into the work of Barbara Seaman (eg The Doctor's Case Against the Pill and The Greatest Experiment Every Performed on Women). Also consider the fact that the World Health Organization categorizes synthetic estrogens (which birth contrl pills are made out of) as a known carginogen. Furthermore, the drug companies who make hormonal birth control products have shown themselves to be more interested in profits than altruism. They are currently in the midst of marketing their latest incarnation of the pill - the "seasonal" version - by convincing young women that continuous use of these drugs for menstrual suppression is a "choice" for themodern woman who cant be bothered with periods . By positioning menstruation as icky and inconvenient, marketing wizards are attempting to intice women to expose themselves to synthetic hormones for 8 extra weeks per year by taking the pill for 3 month chunks of time continuously. The message is a hard sell, tho, because when women ar polled, they report a tendency to welcome their monthly periods as a sign they are not pregnant and that they are cycling normally. In other words, most women see regular menstruation as a healthy sign and hormonal suppression as unnatural and unhealthy. This sentiment is supported by the research work of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research. Here is their position statement on menstrual suppression.
  • Reply to: Washington Post Teams with Coal Industry Front Group   14 years 5 months ago

    Gee, boasting that you got political candidates to advocate for your lies... Now, there's something to be proud of. How do these people look at themselves in the mirror? How do they sleep at night? I guess the fat paycheck helps.

  • Reply to: Tobacco's New Target: Women in Developing Countries   14 years 5 months ago

    The tobacco industry has been targeting women in developing countries for a while.
    This 2003 article (at Women's eNews) begins, "An international report says the tobacco industry's increased marketing towards women in developing nations, and especially Asia, is reversing women's historically low smoking rates."

    Here's the link:
