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  • Reply to: An Insider's View of the Spin about Elena Kagan, President Obama's Supreme Court Choice   14 years 5 months ago
    Sure, you and others can provide unofficial testimony, but ultimately, without a paper trail, we as citizens are left to guess where she stands, other than, with "love" for "teaching" and "the law." You have also overlooked the fact that she's being promoted within the current Democratic spin parameters: her hiring of right-wingers at Harvard supposedly makes her a "consensus builder." Where have we heard that one before?
  • Reply to: Dylan Ratigan Coins the Phrase "Bankster Party"   14 years 5 months ago
    I loved Ratigan's comment on the Moody's investigation and the CEO & friend Warren Buffet unloading oooodles of stock and NOT telling investors that they were notified of an impending investigation... 'Long on Companies with cooked books...good, Long on COmpanies with cooked books under investigation, Very BAD!' hahahah. Of course it was his clever sarcasim further emphasising his disgust with the lot of them! I think that he should run the FED! Every one of these Senators should read, "13 Bankers, The Wall Street Take Over and the Next Financial Meltdown" by Johnson & Kwak, if they did, they would immediately cut this fat down to a healthy portion of the economy!!!!
  • Reply to: An Insider's View of the Spin about Elena Kagan, President Obama's Supreme Court Choice   14 years 5 months ago
    There's a little bit more to this than just "Republican bashing". Two professors at Harvard were nailed plagiarising other people's work...Prof. Laurence Tribe and Prof. Charles Ogletree...after they were caught, Harvard investigated and said that nothing wrong had other words, plagiarism is no big deal at Harvard ...and Miss Kagan concurred! Could it be that Harvard tried to whitewash this thing? Why would anyone believe that Harvard is going to conduct an objective investigation when two of their premiere professors' reputations are at stake? What would happen to the college's collegiate reputation? Prof. Ogletree goes on to tell the Boston Globe about how his assistants were to blame and then concludes that he is taking all the responsibility!! How can you pin this on your "assistants" and then say that you are going to take the blame? What sort of twisted logic is that? Miss Kagan supported this nonsense...and if the past is prologue, she'll do the same sorts of weird things on the bench to protect her particular interests.
  • Reply to: Secret Jesus Codes on U.S. Military Weapons   14 years 5 months ago

    ...with Biblical codes being secretly inscribed on U.S. Military weapons.

    Anne Landman

  • Reply to: Secret Jesus Codes on U.S. Military Weapons   14 years 5 months ago

    I personally believe that small firearms are not evil, it's the user. If one wants to kill someone, you don't need a firearm to do so. Also any parent or guardian that has children with unlocked firearms is purely at fault. Moreover a household and especially a child must be educated and taught respect for such things. I have known instances where criminals have broken into a home knowing that family did not bear any type of personal protection. They were dead before the Police could arrive. A firearm would have at least given them a chance.
