Recent comments

  • Reply to: A Victory for the People!   14 years 5 months ago
    but it seems to me that it's the only thing standing between us and a "one world" of no borders for board chairmen and razor wire for the rest of us. Be careful what you wish for!
  • Reply to: An Insider's View of the Spin about Elena Kagan, President Obama's Supreme Court Choice   14 years 5 months ago
    The pistol-whipping of the American public often happened so fast in the early 0's it's hard to fathom yet so clear to see here the pervasiveness of the steps taken by the the gop to suppress, repress and deny democracy its due in America.
  • Reply to: An Insider's View of the Spin about Elena Kagan, President Obama's Supreme Court Choice   14 years 5 months ago
    Your arguments are convincing, but there are two other issues that are regularly ignored. One is the religious makeup of the court. Kagan's appointment would leave 3 Jewish Judges, or 33% of the court, when less than 2% of the country is Jewish. 6 of the Supremes are Roman Catholic, 66%, when less than 25% of American citizens are Catholic. Not diverse, not balanced. Second is the ideology and political connectedness they bring from their law school. All but one, Ginsburg, would be from Harvard or Yale law school. Not diverse, not balanced. BTW, 4 are members of the Federalist Society! Wow!
  • Reply to: Dylan Ratigan Coins the Phrase "Bankster Party"   14 years 5 months ago
    The website AmpedStatus dot com has a lot of information on the Bankster class too.
  • Reply to: What If BP Were a Human Being?   14 years 5 months ago
    This is how we've got to begin envisioning the actions of corporations if we ever want to fully comprehend their role in the health of our surroundings and natural resources. When you think of a corporation as an individual making choices for its survival (and to the detriment of the health of other populations around it) you begin to see that corporations must be held to higher standards regarding their environmental impact. It's not all about financial statements. If we all we lived by financial statements as corporations would have it, we'd cease to exist as a species. The truly sad realization is that corporations employ people who, by doing their jobs, inadvertently destroy the ecosystems that support people and other animals. These employees and investors, who place the most value in a paycheck/investment, don't give a fuck about their impact on others. This selfishness will be the end of us if we don't change our way of thinking.
