Recent comments

  • Reply to: GOP Voter Registration Fraud Reported in California   14 years 5 months ago

    Given that the people they misregistered are probably not going to vote Republican, one possible reason to artificially swell the GOP registration rolls wold be to lend credibility to altered vote counts reported by the black box voting machines (i.e., so that the dipsarity between party affiliation and voting patterns doesn't seem so blatantly out of kilter...

  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 5 months ago
    I'm not going to argue here, because you obviously have very strong points of view that are not going to be changed. But you also need to get your facts straight and do a little more research. You're worried about our livestock and their contributions to global warming? What, how their manure is used to fertilize crops so that synthetic fertilizer doesn't need to be made? And don't think for a minute that farming doesn't take an emotional impact on the people raising their animals. You commented, "Even if you can't wrap you brain around the fact that "our meat supply", was once living breathing beings, capable of feeling pain who have been abused, degraded and tortured from birth, at least drop the "family farm" propaganda." - why don't YOU wrap your brain around the fact that FARMERS ACTUALLY CARE FOR THEIR ANIMALS??? What makes you think these animals are so tortured? We know they feel pain, which is why farmers spend their lives giving these animals the utmost care and respect. Why would we harm something that is our livelihood? Farmers rely on animals for their profit, so providing them with clean and dry facilities, adequate food, water, shelter, etc. is a no brainer. Visit a farm of any kind and you'll find this - I've seen farmers who cry every time an animal gets on the trailer or is lost. Don't assume that farmers don't care because that is just plain low rent. 98% of the farms in this country are family owned, and I suggest you get to one and see what goes on before you make these ridiculous assumptions. provides farmers an opportunity to keep an eye on organizations like H$U$ so that they can't take away our right to farm. Why should H$U$ get to decide how we raise our livestock when they have no background in it? Farmers don't march into the oval office and tell the president how to run the country, do they? Have some faith in your farmers and food production in this country and thank them for the safe products they provide you at an affordable cost. Its fine if you decide not to eat meat, but get educated and quit ridiculing those that do.
  • Reply to: BP's "Beyond Petroleum" Campaign Losing its Sheen   14 years 5 months ago
    BP's solar photovoltaic division here near Frederick, MD in the last year laid off more than 400 workers and shut down it's expansion project. Over the past 2 months they actually tore down the half finished structure. A grim reminder of the total lack of commitment to alternative energy. All of course while posting 162% profits. They obviously have no commitment to solar energy or their employees or the U.S. economy.
  • Reply to: A Firing Squad Execution, and Utah Worries About Tourism?   14 years 5 months ago
    I didn't have the impression that this article was centered on firing-squads vs. other forms of execution. Also, I contest your belief that death-by-firing-squad "provides an extremely quick death with little pain". Obviously, you haven't experienced it, and you didn't reference any studies to back up your claim.
  • Reply to: The Health Care Industry vs. Health Reform   14 years 5 months ago
    They should be wait for some years and they also get the good suggestions from the people who are working with the jobs which will effect this policy.
