Recent comments

  • Reply to: NPR Erases Domestic Terrorism   14 years 5 months ago
    Yes, NPR does seem, at times, more conservative. I still trust it more than the broadcast networks. I think, generally, NPR does a good job covering both sides of an issue. And, you never hear about the latest celebrity scandal.
  • Reply to: SourceWatch Preserves History Unwritten by the Family Research Council   14 years 5 months ago
    Dobson, Rekers, the FRC and those of that ilk have no qualms about thinking, judging, proclaiming, and exterminating those they deem to be evil ones. They will use any means necessary to achieve their goals, as they believe, no - they KNOW they are doing God's work and anyone who disagrees with them are therefore doing Satan - the Evil One's work, and are therefore evil-doers themselves. As Religious Zealots of every time and stripe they can rationalize away any deceitful, manipulative and unethical actions in their "righteous" fight.
  • Reply to: Dylan Ratigan Coins the Phrase "Bankster Party"   14 years 5 months ago
    Thank you for providing the list. I am horrified, disgusted, disappointed in Senator Feinstein - she will be hearing from me again and again until her loyalty is readjusted. I hope you sent this list in an e-mailed to your listees. We should know who failed to respond to our outcries for justice for the "Banksters."
  • Reply to: What If BP Were a Human Being?   14 years 5 months ago
    Very well said. The brains, conscience and decision makers of these entities are human but are not held liable for their actions. So why not take risks with others lives and money if you know that you will never be held responsible for your acts. I seriously doubt any of the executives of BP will die in poverty. Most likely their families will be unimaginatively wealthy for generations. Yet their decisions have sent many to their deaths and have destroyed the lives of thousands more. One can only imagine what a different world it would be if these people were held to the same level of responsibility as I am as a carpenter.
  • Reply to: Health Insurance Insider to Testify Before Senate   14 years 5 months ago
    The bloom allowance companies abide to play a above role in our accepted health care crisis. They accomplish huge profits and their CEOs accomplish millions, while the blow of us are are accountable to life-threatening allowance denials.
