Recent comments

  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    While I don't doubt that human activity is contributing to global warming, I am certain that it is not the only cause of climate change. The earth has warmed and cooled many times before the existence of modern humans, i.e., the ice ages. Whatever mankind's contribution to global warming is, however, it is irresponsible to keep that information from our children as they will eventually have to deal with the consequences of the change in climate.

  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    well i'll put it simple, face the truth man, the earth goin to sink soon or later, now is our job to inform em, to star fight the global warming for the sake of human kind, hurt but full of truth. i will give a analogue like this, a terminal stadium cancer patient would be told about his sickness and how long he's predicited goin to last, it simply their right to know. well again, it just my opinion, i always open for a reply, or disagree comment, cheers!

  • Reply to: Take Action! Millions to Lose Unemployment Insurance   14 years 4 months ago
    Senators and Representatives: You should be ashamed of yourselves. please everyone go here and help! lets keep kids and families off the steerts and in there homes. Let them give money away to greeks and bankers but let us help our own and sign this petition.
  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    Yes, i agree. The kids need to be informed as soon as possible. By getting enough knowledge about global warming, they will know what to do to prevent it.

    It is ridicilous if people says to it is to early for kids to know.. are you insane? if global warming keeps going on, there will be no future for this kids

  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    This is total lack of accountability at the top of our society. It is about time we all accepted that there are consequences. All the time BP can dump millions of gallons of crude in the Gulf and get away with it - this will not change.
