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  • Reply to: Front Group King Rick Berman Gets Blasted by his Son, David Berman   14 years 4 months ago
    Call David Berman a hypocrite if you must. But remember that any person can make a good decision at any point in time. I support the person who follows his/her conscience and actively pursues a deeper explanation of the world around them. I am ashamed that there are people who decry such efforts. There are so many ways to ignore or undermine deep truths. This is the job of Richard Berman. Consider the following quote from one of Richard Berman's websites: "Approximately 4.4 million U.S. households earning $30,000 or less completely eliminated their purchases of canned tuna between 2000 and 2006. During those years, women in those households gave birth to nearly 260,000 children. And canned tuna was the only source of omega-3 fatty acids their mothers could afford to buy." <a href=""></a> This is not quality information. Sardines are frequently even more affordable than tuna, walnuts are affordable and widely available sources of omega3 fatty acids. For more sources of omega fatty acids, check out the <a href="">wikipedia article</a>. This is just one of many examples of weak information presented in a slanted light by Richard Berman and his company. From the perspective of freedom of speech and information, David Berman's effort to show this is as important as his father's. His shame at his father's behavior is unimpeachable.
  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    Those who are not aware that this is, in fact, junk science are way behind the times. The whole concept of anthropogenic climate change is built on lies and suppression - follow the money.

  • Reply to: Bank Reform Bait and Switch   14 years 4 months ago
    I've been writing about the financial crisis and following the reform bills making their way through Congress. This post is the clearest I've seen on clarifying the fine and not-so-fine distinctions between Blanche Lincoln's proposal, the Merkley Levin amendment attempt and the Volcker rule concepts. For readers who want to sort out where the Obama Adminsitration started out on derivatives reform and what "their" Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner actually put on the table, they would do well to consult Michael Greenberger's portion of the Roosevelt Institute's issue essay - "Make Markets be Markets," from March 2010 - that is, between the passage of the House bill in Dec. of 2009 and the intensification of the Senate maneuverings in the spring of 2010. Here's the link: Greenberger, who is one of the genuine experts whom reformers repeatedly quote from, says Geithner's Aug. 11, 2009 paper, called the "Proposal OCT Act," advanced four significant loopholes to thrwart comprehensive regulation of derivatives: One for excluding Foreign Exchange Swaps - which is important because an increasingly chaotic international economy means everyone is trying to hedge currencies values - and many are trying to make bets on their direction; Second, another loophole to escape Mandatory Clearing and Exchange Trading for non-banks...;Third, "Thwarting State and Private Regulatory Enforcement; and Fourth, setting a legal impediment to voiding "an illegal swap in either state or federal court" - something Senator Cantwell has been trying, unsuccesfully, to close by an amendment. The title of Greenbergers essay is "Out of the Balck Hole: Reg. Reform of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market." It certainly helps shine a lot on the gap between what the President wanted back in June of 2009 and what his own Sec. of the Treasury was pushing in August of the same year. So far Geithner's loopholes had prevailed both in the house and Senate versions - until Senator Blanche Lincoln's proposal caught everyone by surprise - thanks Mary, again for clarifying some of the toughest concepts clouding things for the general public.
  • Reply to: "Love IS Worth Fighting For" -- Lt. Dan Choi   14 years 4 months ago
    what in the war now is love. we are not really fighting for freedom right now. or planet is being ruined by the war. innocent people being killed. there are a lot of other things.roadside bombs blowing up troops that dammages our planet. what says that god is not upset with us now for this war. were not fighting for the love of "others". its all selfish. were not really helping any cause right now. we are just making matters worse. soon the whole world will be blown up because of nukes. if god does not end it for us first. the war is phoney. i dont see how killing people is love.
  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    I totally agree that this topic has scared my youngest son, he is having nightmares about it. I understand that this is part of our lives and we have to be aware of this. However, I think that if we really must inform our kids about it, a professional should be present and they have to be very careful with how they deliver it.
