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  • Reply to: Appetite for Profit: An Interview with Michele Simon   14 years 4 months ago
    Yes Corporate Accountability can be demanded by consumers-- See "The Time to Retire Ronald McDonald Campaign" and be reminded of how back 25 - 30 years ago, the act of smoking was kept purposefully disconnected (by the lobbyists for Big Tobacco) from the health effects to consumers so smoking was just an innocent 'consumer choice', too! Symbols like Joe Camel were thought to be perfectly okay.
  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    Sorry that I posted my comment twice – I was too impatient.

    “Stay Informed”, why “sadly”? Climate change has been a part of life since before humans walked the globe and will continue long after we have all passed into oblivion. Our children need to be taught this is fact and that humans (and the rest of the globe’s fauna and flora) have to continue adapting to such change. What they should not be taught is the kind of propaganda seen in Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient truth” and in the pitiful (and scary) adverts (Note 1) put out by politicians such as those by the UK’s thankfully departed Labour Government in the lead up to the UN’s COP15 fiasco in Copenhagen. This political nonsense was also just before the scandals of Climategate and other IPCC-gates (27 in my list so far) broke.

    “Children should be informed” about both global warming and global cooling. Both have been experience by humans, with natural swings between bitterly cold ice-ages and pleasantly warm inter-glacial periods. We are fortunate that we have enjoyed a relatively stable period for several thousand years, give or take a degree or so, but there are signs that we could be heading into another ice age. Let’s hope it’s a false alarm as it was in the 1970s.

    One thing that they should not have rammed down their throats is the political propaganda that humans are causing catastrophic global climate change through using fossil fuels. There is plenty evidence to show that our puny impact upon global temperatures might amount to about one centigrade degree of warming, a welcome change for most of us (which may help to offset any natural cooling heading our way). I do agree that children should be taught about human impact upon the environment, both good and bad. Did you hear about the UK’s ridiculous waste of £300,000 of taxpayers hard-earned money to pay for 35 sculptures to be placed in the Yorkshire Wolds. That is an area of extreme natural beauty natural that needs no gilding by humans. Of course humans have made some wonderful changes to the environment that makes such areas readily accessible by road, rail, air and even on foot. There are many other beneficial changes, including the conversion of woodland and forest into the beautiful farmland that many of us love to wander through on public footpaths. Let’s not forget the beautiful gardens that humans have created from wasteland. Of course there are plenty of examples of our damage to the environment but we are getting better at sorting those out.

    1) see

    Best regard, Pete Ridley

  • Reply to: Don't Even Mention Global Warming to Kids   14 years 4 months ago

    Global warming is sadly a part of our lives and the lives of generations to come. Kids should learn about it so that way our society future generations can more effectively deal with it.

  • Reply to: What BP Doesn't Want You to See   14 years 4 months ago

    BP have been fined by the US government before for failing to meet safety requirements. Tony Hayward should be thrown in prison and held responsible for this.

    Companies need to learn that legislation breaches are not something that money can be thrown at. If I break the law, then get a caution, then break the law for the exact same reason, I would expect some sort of custodial sentence.

  • Reply to: Shifting BP's Clean Up Costs to Consumers? Say It Ain't So!   14 years 4 months ago
    It may not be passed on to consumers - bottom line is ti depends on how competive the oil market is. If shell and co want to keep current prices or raise alittle well then prices may change alittle, but not heaps. Persenaly I am all for a greater oil tax in the states will bring down the world cost .... as the usa uses less oil.
