Recent comments

  • Reply to: California's Electricity Company Has Two Faces   14 years 4 months ago

    It is always about profit and I understand that. But it is more profitable to act responsibly. Smart meters hold the promise of containing costs for consumers and adjusting energy consumption to the benefit of utilities.

    Corporations need to make good on there products and services. A local mom and pop business may not have the resources, but large corporations do. We can reduce energy consumption and technology will lead the way. And those that will benefit the most, utilities, are doing their best to screw it up.

  • Reply to: BP's Tony Hayward: Clueless or Careless?   14 years 4 months ago
    Tony Hayward, CEO of BP must be highly competent in many areas of business to have got to the top of one of the world's largest companies. Unfortunately, the qualities that he has are by no means apparent to most onlookers and it is certain that the ability to recognise his ineptitude in talking to the world's media is most certainly not an area in which he excels. Maybe bravery is his strong point, but I always subscribe to the view that 'discretion is the better part of valour' - much better in my view for him to put up a competent spokesperson rather than show himself up as badly as he has done. Even if the spokesperson only utters no-committal drivel, the CEO has at least preserved his own position and not put his head on the block like Mr Hayward has. Maybe he's good at accountancy or planning or something but he hasn't got the gravitas of a CEO, nor does he exude any endearing boyishness such as Richard Branson - nor any other redeeming characteristics for that matter!
  • Reply to: The Latest on Rick Berman, Attack Dog Extraordinaire   14 years 4 months ago
    What's funny about comments like this is that this person probably never gave a penny to HSUS in the first place nor a penny to his/her "local shelter."
  • Reply to: CREW Seeks Investigation of Tobacco Panel Members   14 years 4 months ago

    On the positive side, we all know tobacco products are no good for us... well so we are told. So the fact people with a financial gain are telling us this is so is, all be it concerning, still offering a service to the community.

    The negative side, what the f***!

    How can someone, no, people be allowed to have a role of 'watch dog' when it is only their dinner they are watching over?

  • Reply to: Sex and the City 2: More Hype, Less Appeal   14 years 4 months ago

    This is quite a very delicate but a bit educational movie. Since I don't have kids and never been married, I couldn't fully think of myself in their case.

    This movie might get different comments from different persons in this world since all of us have differing views and experiences in life. This is just a sample of some other people's belief, how to deal life and challenges.

    How about some more reality in the movie..
