Recent comments

  • Reply to: BP Blocking Media Access to Oil Disaster Sites   14 years 4 months ago

    I can understand bad PR but if you are transparent in your efforts to clean up the mess I think that goes a long way as well. I mean BP should really be spending big $ to get it all cleaned up FAST ... cause this press will live with them forever no matter what.

    So would you rather have your name associated with worse oil spill ever + media blockage and slow moving cleanup efforts ... or worse oil spill ever with the best efforts to clean up and resolve the issue. There really is one choice here.

    Perhaps a company name change is in order ...

  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 4 months ago
    Just as you do not know me I do not know you. I have hunted all my adult life and never have known anyone who hunted and left the game lay. In most states it is illegal to do as you claim, the people who engage in such activity are neither hunters or trappers, they are criminals. In that I don’t know you I can probably say with some certainty that you have never hunted or trapped. To me it seems odd that so many non hunters or trappers have expert knowledge on how others feel and act when they hunt. My way of fighting the great polluted food mills, as you call them, is to provide as much as I can from nature. Your right to not hunt is as important as mine to hunt. You have every right to choose you own path, not mine. As for the cruel food industry. Since so many people can not and do not provide for themselves, you tell me who should die so animals will not suffer.
  • Reply to: What BP Doesn't Want You to See   14 years 4 months ago

    the damage is beyond what money can restored but restoration must still happen and its gonna take heaps and heaps of money! BP's environmental record has never been good to begin...poor mother earth and the sea creatures...and of course folks around the area.

  • Reply to: Sex and the City 2: More Hype, Less Appeal   14 years 4 months ago

    I have never been a great lover of Sex and the City. The girls or rather women are total snobs and very much unlikeable. I have stopped arguing with my girlfriend about it long time ago as she can’t live without Carrie and company. Well, she dragged me to the first movie and I was bored to death. She did it again with the second one. Now, this S&C part two is really over the top. I can’t understand myself that I let my girlfriend to do that again!

    But of course, this is my opinion. There will be always some (plenty) who fall for that stuff, just like my girlfriend does… Oh, well…

  • Reply to: Creepy Pennsylvania Ads Threaten Tax Evaders   14 years 4 months ago

    I find this ad really cool! It's scary for those who are not paying their taxes but for those who are paying then I believe this commercial gave them one hell of a good laugh!
