Recent comments

  • Reply to: BP Lobbied Against Better Safety Systems   14 years 4 months ago

    Considering the amount of regulations that occur within all sectors of society, it is absolutely shocking that something like regulating oil drilling is passed by. BP are responsible without any doubt for this awful tradegy which could affect not just the immediate areas - as we are clearly seeing - but in fact - it could affect the water supplies for the whole planet. The authorities which allowed this to happen also should be answerable. If this hazardous type of activity was stopped or thoroughly regulated then this might never have happened.

  • Reply to: Creepy Pennsylvania Ads Threaten Tax Evaders   14 years 4 months ago

    Oh, this is great. Thanks for letting everyone know. Now what do we do?

  • Reply to: The Latest on Rick Berman, Attack Dog Extraordinaire   14 years 4 months ago
    I will no longer be sending donations to HSUS. I have decided to only donate to my local shelter and am telling everyone to do the same. HSUS is slowly and steadily using donations taken under false pretense to push laws in cities, states and federally to have the right to own pets and eat food of my choice taken away. Shame on them, and thank you to CCF and HumaneWatch for waking me up.
  • Reply to: Big Food's Salty Spin   14 years 4 months ago

    Food tastes better with salt and that is why chef's use it generously in meals. Learning to eat good tasting food in moderation is the key and eating in a social environment (chatting with friends and family) while eating at a slower pace allows you to fill up on smaller portions.

    I'm far more worried about glucose-fructose and the still widely ised hydrogenated vergetable oils in our foods.

  • Reply to: Rick Berman Attacks the Humane Society   14 years 4 months ago
    I do not know where you get your facts. The HSUS is not being questioned because CCF or anyone else is opposed to the proper care of animals, it is being questioned because in plain black and white on their own page (look it up) is their tax documents that show the absurd amount of money that is being spent on salaries, benefits, lockboxes(REALLY) and other questionable expenditures. I am sure the top brass there will fight to the bitter end to try and convince you that this is about the animals, but believe me it is about the "fox in the hen house". Imagine the animals that will continue to suffer because a rogue organization is never called out. Read the information, with an open mind. Then come to your own conclusion. I have been upset about this LONG before CCF or Humanewatch or anyone else started talking about it. I asked many people to read the documents and then donate accordingly. I handled Corporate donations for 20 years and I have learned something, ASK QUESTIONS. By law they have to tell you what percentage of your donation goes Directly to the care of animals, and what percentage goes directly to the deep pockets of the greedy CEO's. And by the way why would anyone want to stand in the way of stopping undue hardship to the animals. What would anyone gain by that?
