Recent comments

  • Reply to: BP's Tony Hayward: Clueless or Careless?   14 years 4 months ago
    BP was obviously careless but that carelessness has certainly harmed the environment in a major way. Its also upsetting that their response has been so slow.
  • Reply to: The Latest on Rick Berman, Attack Dog Extraordinaire   14 years 4 months ago
    Don't bet on it John - there are millions of us spreading the word about Monsanto, factory farming, processed food health hazards and corporate vested interests. The information is out there, either educate yourself or remain a sheeple who buys into whatever spin is put out by industry and passed on by a complicit media.
  • Reply to: Who is Trying to Undo Montana’s Century-old Clean Elections Law?   14 years 4 months ago
    How then, does Max Baucus get to keep the $4 million a year in campaign contributions he gets from healthcare lobbyists? The answer is he's never had to deal with Montana's law by running for local office and proving himself there first before running for national office. The law is unfair if people like Baucus are allowed to have unlimited amounts of power in the Senate for 40 or more years by hanging out in Washington since law school, firstl working as an SEC lawyer then running for national office , never subject to the Montana state ban on state and local corporate campaign contributions. State and local campaigns are not as important to corporate interests as national campaigns but the state legislature is where local candidates can prove themselves worthy of serving the people by dealing with local issues that are close to them. Since the Montana law forbidding corporate political campaign contributions applies only to state and local Montana candidates and not to egregiously harmful Washington fixtures like Max Baucus, it tends to close the door for fresh, new politicians who want to rise up from the ranks of the state legislature to compete in fund-raising with entrenched characters like Senator Baucus. So year after year, by blaming the Republicans, he manages to support industry-friendly legislation supported by his corporate campaign contibutors, probably making the Republicans jealous for the $4 million a year he gets from the healthcare industry for doing so.
  • Reply to: The Latest on Rick Berman, Attack Dog Extraordinaire   14 years 4 months ago
    HSUS is not the protector of animals that some think. They are a dangerous and dogmatic group that actually euthanizes most of the animals they collect. Only 4% of the annual budget goes to fund shelters. They actually support preventing pet ownership but think Michael Vick was okay enough to support him. Either get your information straight or admit that you are a shill for them!
  • Reply to: BP Now Saving (Not Killing) Wildlife!   14 years 4 months ago

    Shocking! Those poor creatures are dying because of the selfishness of the mankind. We just use our cars etc. and never think about how harmful is that for the planet. We should put pictures like this at petrol stations to make the people think about using less petrol!
