Recent comments

  • Reply to: BP Now Saving (Not Killing) Wildlife!   14 years 4 months ago

    Tens of thousands of people, including children, pedestrians and passengers in motor vehicles are killed, crippled or maimed due to motor vehicle accidents every single year. Add to this, all the innocent nonhuman victims killed or left injured by motor vehicle traffic on our roadways.
    You'd think that the motor vehicle industry, a prime consumer of oil or petroleum products, would be banned as a dangerous threat to all sentient life, as well as being responsible for environmental destruction and resource depletion. Instead, like the firearms industry, it's licensed to kill by the corporate state and legally protected.

    That said, people have decided that the benefits of owning motor vehicles outweigh the value of life and limb. To themselves, their children, pedestrians, and, not the least, all the innocent nonhuman beings who just want to cross the road to get to the other side....

  • Reply to: BP Buys Search Terms to Redirect Users to Company Web Site   14 years 4 months ago

    Hopefully, the "age of oil" will end with profiteers like BP going under from the just penalties for "externalized costs," finally catching up with them in the hands of informed, energized, conscientious citizens.

  • Reply to: Take Action in the Final Days of Bank Reform Fight   14 years 4 months ago
    Having just added a similar comment to the above site l will reiterate my feelings about the way trader`s can be able to make massive profits but with short term gain for any investors, or the economy. This is neither good for the building of stability of any countries wealth structure nor will it lead to long term prosperity for the people. This will not provide much needed jobs for the manufacturing industries starved for too long by foreign imports and neither will it allow a stable future for any citizen to bring up a family and provide this basics of life without debt. The economies of this world especially Britain and America have for far too long been built on borrowing that only provides a deficit and will lead eventually if not stopped to exceeding the GDP of that country. I read an article on-line the other day on the June 4th that stated debt in the US is poised to rise to $13 trillion and overtake the GDP by 2012 with the IMF predicting a slower economy of 3.2% and to complete that vicious circle interest rates on government debt will rise. This is alarming statistics but the FED keeps minting more dollars for people who trade to make short term gains, whilst the country goes to hell in a hand-basket. Kindest regards - for letting me comment. Ian
  • Reply to: BP Now Saving (Not Killing) Wildlife!   14 years 4 months ago

    When I see the destruction this industry causes, I want to lynch the bastards. They are eco-terrorists and have committed mass murder. They are worthy of the highest punishment. Not justice, screw that. If there were justice, they wouldn't be drilling and reaping profits over life, all life. Nope, I think there is cause for an angry and vengeful god...

  • Reply to: BP Buys Search Terms to Redirect Users to Company Web Site   14 years 4 months ago

    $10.000 a day to get people who search for information about the oil spill directed to the site of BP. I think it is ridiculous, they should spend this money on the victims of their spill, anyone who wants information from BP about the spill will not have any problem finding the site of BP.
    BP is not trying to give information, they are trying to prevent information, from others about the spill, to be found
    Harry Rackers
