Recent comments

  • Reply to: Burning Tires: Illinois' "Renewable Energy"?   14 years 4 months ago

    I agree, burning tires is horrible. Just recycle or reuse them.

  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 4 months ago
    Ohh God!! This is disgusting Oil companies are not doing well for the laborers. They are all in business minded and enemy of human lives. This is now not a issue for only the Golf countries rather than it's becoming a serious issue of international level. I think we should stand united against this condition and help the laborers for proper Justis.
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 4 months ago
    It's scary that you say that this spraying of Corexit is likened to Agent Orange. I went to Vietnam last year and was horrified at the lasting affects that Agent Orange has had on the Vietnamese people (and unfortunately will have on future generations- it affects the genetic code). I'm also aware of how solvents are so toxic to the human body. My recent research shows that solvents are a major cause of depression too. Thanks for making me aware of this potential issue. It's very informative.
  • Reply to: Big Food's Salty Spin   14 years 4 months ago

    The general public also needs to take some of the blame for this. We have become a society of I want it now! So we have chosen to use the prepared foods and created a demand for these products.

    I for one have chosen to make more home cooked meals for my family. With this I can control the salt intake.

    Learn to cook with a stove instead of a microwave and more problems than just salt will be fixed. Obesity for one.

    As someone that works outside every day cleaning roofs and homes I find that I have a lot more energy cooking this way.

  • Reply to: Waiter, There Is Toxic Sludge in my Organic Soup!   14 years 4 months ago
    It's disturbing that they are calling it that. It isn't compost at all, organic or otherwise! Ugh... When local colleges sell compost, should I now worry about it being biosolids/sludge instead of the advertised compost? Ugh...
