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  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 4 months ago
    With so many eyes on BP at this point, it is very hard to understand why they wouldn't over compensate for the health claims being made and take whatever steps necessary to paint their handling of at least the human aspects of the disaster in a more responsible light. This seems like very large mistake in PR.
  • Reply to: BP's Government-Approved, Fake Spill Response Plan   14 years 4 months ago

    BP just couldn't be bothered to put forward the time, and more importantly money, to create a competent plan of action. It's irresponsibility like this that makes me sick . . . entire ecosystems are about to be destroyed yet they're only upset about all the money gushing out into the ocean that they won't be able to collect for themselves.

  • Reply to: The Fake, Media-Generated "Anti-Incumbent Rage"   14 years 4 months ago

    ... in fact, the rate that incumbents are losing reelection are right in line with norms, and almost 8% higher than in 1994.

  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 4 months ago
    It's so hard for me to understand why the vast majority of companies and people seek chemical solutions to everything. When will we understand that natural and living is better? It's better to eat, to heal our bodies and to clean up major messes. Thankfully, there are many brilliant people researching and working with biological methods - from creating kitchen compost to breaking down chemicals. What I can't believe is how long it takes for these simple and natural solutions to reach the masses. Are we all seduced by the amazing power of chemicals?
  • Reply to: Obama and Israel Shun the International Community   14 years 4 months ago
    It is true that Obama has continued George W. Bush's foreign policy regarding Israel, which is an anti-Israel policy whose key points include funding the PLO and demanding concessions from Israel in exchange for nothing. Shrub was worse than his father whose official policy was "F--- the Jews". Obama simply does not know any better, but in this incident he at least had the sense to wait for facts to come in before spouting off about something he had no knowledge of. There are too many other world leaders whom that can not be said of. The flotilla controversy is as manufactured, senseless, and baseless as the ACORN controversy or "ClimateGate" and it makes no sense to say anything to promote it. Israel's only obligation to the flotilla was rescue as many survivors from the water as the Israeli ships were able to hold. Israel deserves the praise of liberals and progressives for going about this whole operation the liberal, progressive way, for offering to deliver the cargo after searching it for contraband so that no one would need to attempt to run a blockade in a war zone, for not sinking the ships when they refused to follow Israeli orders, for attempting to use non-lethal weaponry to maintain order and only resorting to firearms when Israeli soldiers were attacked and captured, for releasing the holy-war activists instead of charging them with espionage or holding them as prisoners of war until the end of the jihad, for delivering the cargo to Gaza, and for having delivered aid to Gaza continuously for years while Hamas produced fake reports of a humanitarian crisis. To condemn Israel in these circumstances is to join in mindless reactionary hate just because it is popular. On "Muslim Turkey", Turkey was a strictly secular nation with a Muslim majority population until 2003 when a jihadist party was voted into office and began reversing Turkey's foreign policy from pro-West to pro-Iran. Obama should not be condemned for being slow in going along with it. Rather, as Turkey is aligning with forces which are in a state of declared war with the United States, Obama ought to be opposing this change in direction and doing whatever he can to stop it within the bounds of respecting Turkey's sovereignty. The position of Israel in facing an international investigation for doing nothing wrong, from the same international community that put Iran in charge of womens' rights and Syria on the security council, is like that of a black man in the old South looking at the prospect of facing an all-white jury for the crime of looking at a white woman. We have already seen this happen and it was called the Goldstone Report, a report literally written by Israel's wartime enemies with no respect for international law, justice, evidentiary standards, or even simple honesty. After that disaster the international community has no reputation left to justify allowing it to have the last word against Israel, especially in such a clear-cut situation as this where any case against Israel would be thrown out prima facie in an honest court of law. And about the consensus in Arabic papers, these articles calling the Jews dogs and monkeys and calling for jihad against them, those cartoons of scowling hook-nosed Jews in Orthodox clothing with Stars of David on their hats and blood dripping from their hands... that is the racism that is such a problem in the Middle East. This is not the international consensus that any Democratic leader should align himself with. Again, this is what Obama should be speaking out <em>against</em>, not <em>for</em>.
