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  • Reply to: Pentagon Pundit Scandal Broke the Law   14 years 4 months ago
    As if it's broken for the first time! I mean let's face it, these laws are broken more than they are followed, who cares much from these people, I don't see a single person who is perfectly white collard! Chris Harris
  • Reply to: Who is Trying to Undo Montana’s Century-old Clean Elections Law?   14 years 4 months ago
    Hey John (R) house District #67. What about this “Green Acres Cooperative Inc” (1721 South Woodland Drive, Kalispell, MT 59901) deal with your “buddy” Loren “George” Everett (R) House District #5 (who owns the property). It seems that the residents have had two informal meetings about forming a Mobile Home Co-Op (per the ROC USA). You initiated this movement. Recruited and proclaimed a “Steering Committee”, Chaired these meetings, and “George” was in attendance and spoke. Don’t you own #13 in that park? But you could hardly be called a “resident” because you do not live there. You just visit 1-2 days a month. Now the residents have been given a membership application, with no return address. It is a joke that your “Buddy” wants $950.000.00 for a property that was appraised by the State (2010) at less than $600,000.00. Add to that “George” will retain 1/7th of the property, according to your committee. All of this has been done with out representation of the residents. I guess they will go along with anything that sounds good. What about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS in “liabilities’ the residents will assume IN THE AFTERMATH? IE: The failing septic tanks “George” pumps weekly. No permits will be issued to fix them, so the “Co-OP” WILL BE FORCED TO HOOK UP TO THE CITY OF KALISPELL. And in order to do that….THEY WILL HAVE TO PETITION TO BE ANNEXED (FROM FLATHEAD COUNTY) IN TO THE CITY OF KALISPELL. THE FEES ALONE ARE (COMMERCIAL-PER/UNIT) OVER A HUNDRED GRAND!!. ADD TO THAT – SURVEYING, ESCAVATION, MATERIALS AND RESTORATION . What have they bought? Despite your applications for Grants, and promises for a “rosy” future of “Home ownership”, all you have done is…SOLD YOUR BUDDY “George” ‘s property, AND LADEN THESE DEBTS UPON OTHERS… Think of how their tax bracket will change being part of the City of Kalispell? Maybe you did not know all of these implications…
  • Reply to: BP's Government-Approved, Fake Spill Response Plan   14 years 4 months ago

    I strongly believe that this accident was very preventable. BP has the resources to ensure that these oil rigs are properly equipped and maintained, but when allowed to "police" themselves, they have shown that they can not be trusted to do so. Let's see how well they put off paying damages to the towns and home owners that are directly affected by the oil now washing up on the beaches. I would imagine that not only will the ecosystems be destroyed, but the fishing industry around the Gulf will take a heavy loss for years to come, as well as the tourism industry that depends on the pristine beaches.

  • Reply to: Obama and Israel Shun the International Community   14 years 4 months ago
    The problems with foreign affairs seems to get worse year after year president after president. In my opinion if we could worry more about the United States and less about all the other countries in the world we could resolve a lot of problems. Lets take care of problems and issues on the home front and let Israelis Turks and everyone else deal with their own problems.
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 4 months ago
    The effect of our greed is having world wide repercussions, and it's obvious that the 'people in charge' only care about covering their own butts. It's clear that they knew the dangers to clean-up workers - why else would they have tried to slide in the waiver capping their responsibility for any damages suffered by cleanup workers?
