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  • Reply to: Take Action in the Final Days of Bank Reform Fight   14 years 4 months ago
    We think that there is way too much "can't see the forest for the trees" going on. Said another way, there is just too much "treating the symptoms instead of the disease" happening, e.g., bank reform legislation. The disease is quite simply A Serious Absence of Patriotism...yes, a Near total Lack of Patriotism! If the wealthy members of the privileged class private (corporate) sector and public (government) sector [the former to include the private sector media and deposit/investment banking sectors as well] would simply arrange to get a transfusion of Patriotism, and then put country above self...well...then Our Great Nation would be placed ahead of the "me, me, me syndrome"! After all, putting Our Great Nation into bankruptcy can hardly be said to be Patriotic. And let there be no doubt, the United States of America is in (undeclared) bankruptcy. hasn't been declared yet because the federal government keeps printing and/or borrowing money to pay the bills [said failure to actually pay the nation's bills being a little something that President Ronald Reagan, Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill & Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dan Rostenkowski (and a majority in congress) put in vogue beginning in 1981]. Were they Patriotic. No...not by our definition. Did they put country ahead of self and privileged class wealth. No...not by our definition. Corporate lobbyists...senators...representatives...judges...the chief justice...the president...the vice president...the majority leader...the speaker of the house...the chairman of the house ways & means committee...well...we're just sick to our stomachs of watching them all fail Patriotism 101! And did this start with the present congress, court and president? Absolutely not! They've all been suffering from A Serious Absence of Patriotism for decades now. Of course, 1981 is as good a place to start as any. That's when the federal government stopped paying all of its bills and started borrowing as a way of life. That's when the privileged class stopped paying all of the taxes that they should be paying (i.e., as they had traditionally paid for the most part between 1913 and 1981...the top marginal rate being 91% in 1963!). Said another way, a nation with the worldwide obligations that America has (and the bills corresponding thereto), simply cannot meet those obligations with a top marginal rate of only 28% (now a mere 35%!). That's absolutely ridiculous! And the 1981 crowd knew exactly that when they pulled the plug on the U.S. Treasury! The "sick" lobbyists, senators, representatives, judges, the chief justice, the president, the vice president, the majority leader, the speaker of the house & the house ways & means chairman have known this full well ever since 1981...and just keep on borrowing and printing! On the other hand, The Best and Finest of Us™ of the middle and working class who are 24-7 risking and sacrificing their lives and limbs, sight, hearing and mental and physical health on foreign battlefields...well...they have demonstrated that they have not contracted the subject disease. But, while America cannot survive without The Best and Finest of Us™...America cannot survive with them only either. OKJack™Group™ Disabled Middle and Working Class Veterans We Paid the Dues that Aren't Required!™
  • Reply to: BP Ignoring Health Concerns in the Gulf   14 years 4 months ago
    Google oil spill syndrome for more info on this developing story
  • Reply to: Fake Interviews for Palin's "Real American Stories"?   14 years 4 months ago

    Looks like everything Sarah Palin touches ends up in failure or disaster in one way or another...Maybe it`s time for her to get out of publicity and stop messing around...

  • Reply to: BP Now Saving (Not Killing) Wildlife!   14 years 4 months ago

    BP is worth $200 billion. Even if BP is broken-up, it will be re-constituted and replicated as a shiny new monster hungrily waiting for the suckers to lineup to give them more money. The maiming and mindless destruction of the Gulf Coast is merely an extension of what is to be the future for all of America. How does it feel Mr. & Mrs. America to be raped my "Free Enterprise", while watching helplessly as these greedy morons decide the best way to protect their interest at our expense? That pitiful, dying, oil drenched duck is our future unless "we" all collectively say "no", "no more".

  • Reply to: Obama and Israel Shun the International Community   14 years 4 months ago
    Great promise for international cooperation to implement, rather than to convince President Obama to Turkey and elsewhere in the world to believe that the research being done by Israel tries to be "immediate, impartial, reliable and transparent.
