Recent comments

  • Reply to: Bad Oil Spill News for the Day   14 years 3 months ago
    Another sad and tragic "accident" that can be directly related to our dependancy on oil. How long are we going to let the big oil companies hold us hostage to our need for oil to fuel our energy needs? There are plenty of alternative energy sources available for further development. All one has to do is search "alternative energy source" and you will find hundreds, if not thousands of good ideas for other ways, besides oil to supply electricity as well as fuel our cars. Let's all keep those people affected by the latest oil disaster in our thoughts and prayers, but lets also consider how we can help stop this dangerous way of supplying our energy needs.
  • Reply to: Derivatives Reform Suffers Midnight Mangling   14 years 3 months ago
    Very well said!
  • Reply to: Marketing to Distrust   14 years 3 months ago
    I have found this site extremely useful and the topics have been profound. I agree with the most of the blogs in that large corporate's tend to use their power to manipulate and coherse their customer base into buying goods or services. What will also be interesting is to see how BP will react with its damage limitation campaign to the massive chaos it has caused to the beautiful American shores, wildlife and ocean life.
  • Reply to: Last Call on Financial Reform!   14 years 3 months ago
    I acknowledge that financial reform has been done a long time, this is the right approach.
  • Reply to: The Future of Government Secrecy   14 years 3 months ago
    A lot of top secret info should remain on a need to know basis, otherwise how on earth will we keep things secret from those whom we class our enemies. However the video of the troops gunning people down is disturbing but sometimes our troops do tend to get a bit gun ho and it need not be quite as dramatic as this. So good that it comes out and people can see what really goes on.
