Recent comments

  • Reply to: BP Now Saving (Not Killing) Wildlife!   14 years 3 months ago

    Now that's a bit alarmist, if I do say so myself. But look on the bright side: if this corporate-run dystopian future of yours comes to pass, don't worry! Supporters of zero corporate oversight also tend to be big supporters of the 2nd amendment, so we can all just buy guns, put our corporate overlords against the wall, and start all over again. Come on, it'll be fun!

  • Reply to: The Future of Government Secrecy   14 years 3 months ago
    There has to be a balance. Just because the government messes up doesn't mean that we should put the lives of our service men and women at risk. But on the filip side we need to try and keep the government honest. It is a hard balance to strike but not impossible.
  • Reply to: The Future of Government Secrecy   14 years 3 months ago
    How about instead of worrying about PR, the government worries about doing the right thing the first time? I know, easier said than done, but it still irks me.
  • Reply to: NCI: Tobacco Advertising, Smoking in Movies Contribute to Smoking Rates   14 years 3 months ago

    This is a very serious problem... there should be a law enforcement to not display smoking scenes in movies. Too many young kids and teens smoke due to watching their idols smoke in movies.

  • Reply to: Sex and the City 2: More Hype, Less Appeal   14 years 3 months ago

    I personally don't like this type of movie where women are hypnotized to be materialistic and live in free sex life.
