Recent comments

  • Reply to: Last Call on Financial Reform!   14 years 3 months ago
    It's amazing that after everything that has gone down over the past couple years that legislators still aren't willing to stand up to financial companies. It really doesn't surprise me that Republicans won't stand up to them, but the infighting among Democrats kind of blows my mind. What happend to doing what is best for the people and standing up to corporate interests? I wish that Dodd, Pelosi, and Barney Frank would actually show some leadership and not just bow to pressure from their corporate campaign contributors. Oh well, I guess there really isn't that much difference between political parties when they all get their money from the same place! Hopefully we'll see some reform with teeth in it, but somehow I doubt it!
  • Reply to: Bad Oil Spill News for the Day   14 years 3 months ago
    I was reading on the pompous palate that the oil spill may just make BlueFin Tuna extinct. They are already on the banned fishing list in the Mediterranean. The Gulf is the only other place to find Blue fin Tuna. -Dean Futrell
  • Reply to: Egg Land's Worst   14 years 3 months ago

    I was shocked and sickened when I watched the video of how the chickens were being treated. I truly believe that regardless of the industry that you are in, you don't have to be cruel to get the job done. I am glad to know that there are organizations that exist that try to keep this kind of cruelty in check.

  • Reply to: BP "Reporters" Give Flowery Accounts of Disaster   14 years 3 months ago

    The world always recovers somehow on natural disasters, but this will take a very long time.

  • Reply to: Impeach the Oil-Investing Judge Who Declared Deep Sea Drilling Ban Void   14 years 3 months ago
    How about the fact we have a Constitution and not a dictatorship? Listen, you would have to have a real cold heart not to feel for all the negative circumstances of the oil spill PERIOD. We have do have a Constitution the sitting president with the fast approval rating in our history HAS to follow I am also sick and tired of Obama taking over with his Chicago thugary. We have laws that must be followed. If you know the law, his decision the judge made was correct. The fact he invests in oil was a smart financial move on his part. If you want change then it has to be ALL What was wrong is, again, the sitting government needs to make accomadations to meet our energy needs. No? As great as alternative energy is, it is still not an commercially viable option. Most feel we are still 10 to 20 yrs away from this. Look this up, we are sitting on what is know as the biggest oil reserves in the world, Green River Formation . It is about 4 yrs away from production and it is on land! If our government did not push BP out to drill at 5000 feet this WOULD NOT BE SUCH A HUGE PROBLEM. There are oil reserves all over the US ... open this up till alternative energy is viable. Today, we still need oil and until there is another way for us to deal with our energy issues.
