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  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Embarrassingly I haven't read 1984, but am very familiar with it. So I can't speak as to whether or not it includes the "for us or against us" quote. However, I am familiar with the Bible, which greatly predates 1984. :-) Given Bush's/Rove's attempts to pander to the Holier-Than-Thou-Congregation, it should come as no surprise that quote is from Jesus. However, Bush did NOT use it like Jesus used it. Jesus used it to keep his disciples from stopping others from doing good works in the name of Jesus. Bush, as you will recall, used it to bully people in to war, and to mischaracterize those who disagreed with his brand of terrorism, as supporters of the other terrorists. Here are the quotes for your own edification: Mark 9:38-41, Matthew 12:22-30
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    "In this case, the beleaguered Pickens, who was torn to shreds during the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign..." What was "torn to shreds during the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign" were Kerry's misrepresentations of his Vietnam service, his shameful Purple Heart award pursuits, the attempted burial of his treasonous post-active duty sedition and, ultimately, any further aspirations for higher office. T. Boone Picken's bet on a sure winner...and it paid off in spades.
  • Reply to: Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Sludge Industry Bedded Alice Waters   14 years 2 months ago
    One of the key issues here is how and why our "Biosolids" is toxic? With all of your titles, books, and obvious time on your hands, why haven't you taken up the charge of pointing the finger at John and Jane Q. Public for buying, consuming and disposing of those elements that create this toxic mess to begin with? Why are we so afraid of a couple of germs that we use a antibacterial soap filled with Triclosan (a pesticide) in our homes? We wash our hands, bodies, clothes and dishes in a pesticide laden soap and then wonder why it is in the biolosolids. I would respect you more if you made an effort to put the blame on the corporations that instill fear into John and Jane Q. that convinces them that they have to use these toxic substances in their lives. Yes, G.I.G.O. - Garbage in. Garbage out. Offer some solutions instead of simply ranting on and on.
  • Reply to: Citibank Sticks It to Customers -- and Congress   14 years 2 months ago

    Citibank closed my Business Card Account that was in good standing. Never had a late payment and paid my balance every month. Without warning they closed my account and took 87,000 rewards points. That's equivalent to $870. I called them and they said there was nothing they could do.

    I spoke with Lisa and told here I had many cards with her and charged over 300,000 on my other cards that were not closed. I told her I would close my savings account, checking account and all my credit card accounts if they screwed my like this. She said she didn't care and could do nothing. Bye citi, I will never do business with you again.

    the person I spoke to was:
    "Lisa - Manager customer service, citibusiness cards, 1-800-750-7453
    ID 7415"

    I am closing all my accounts and taking my business elsewhere,

  • Reply to: Everything's Okay in the Gulf -- Or Is It?   14 years 2 months ago
    I don't assume that chemicals for oil spills can assist. I hope that the federal government will uncover biodegradable Oil Spill cleaner that can even now preserve marine existence. We are even now many years away from recovering from this disaster and we should hold a fire to the Washington to make certain these promises are kept and not swept below the rug.
