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  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    A lot of people are making efforts to help people wake up to the huge environmental problem the recent reliance on plastic water bottles poses. But, it's a nice big distracting argument for the drillers and their allies to deploy. The big story in Steve's piece is about how despite all the rhetoric about the need to drill for the gas to fill U.S. domestic needs for energy (not for more water bottles) the reality is that companies are exporting more gas than ever. So much for the claims about needing to expand the drilling to protect America's energy security.
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Dear Josh: Thank you for joining in to help rebut the apologists on fracking. I want to make sure readers have links to additional pieces discussing your great work on this important issue, in addition to urging them again to watch your thorough documentary. We think your rebuttal really takes down the PR campaign by the gas lackeys, and so I hope readers will follow your link and check out additional information. From PRWatch: * [] * [] * [] From SourceWatch: * [] * [] * [] * [] * [] And here are links to the documentary and related social networking sites to help people get more involved: * [] (with many resources to help activists) * [] * [] Thank you, Josh, for your film and your tremendous efforts! Lisa
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Misinformation is like a virus. You read it on the internet or see it in a documentary and then you quote it as truth. Then someone else quotes it. Then someone else and then no one remembers who said it first but it must be true since so many people are saying it. This is especially true when it comes to environmental issues. People sit in front of their computers, in their nice AC house, drinking a bottled water bitching on the internet about how we need to save the environment and how all these big companies are so evil. Yet they don't stop to realize that they are the problem and not the companies. Why do they drill for fossil fuels? Because we use soooooo much of them. Do you know what Ethylene is? It's what the petrochemical companies use to make plastic (aka everything that you use constantly.) You know how they make ethylene? It's made from ethane. Guess where ethane comes from... thats right natural gas. Guess where there is a ton of ethane? Marcellus. Check your self before you wreck yourself. You can go after natural gas companies all you want but the only reason they are drilling is because you can't put down that bottled water. I'm sure there are tons of reports of water being contaminated. That doesn't mean they are from fracing fluid, thats just a common misconception/scapegoat. There are 2 types of people in Pennsylvania, the people that are making a lot of money off of gas production and people that are mad because they're not. Many of the claims of contamination are often followed by lawsuits. Everyone wants to put their hand in the cookie jar. According to the DEPs 2010 report 24,000 miles of rivers and streams already don't meet clean water standards in PA. None of which are in conjunction to natural gas drilling. What Josh Fox doesn't make apparent is that people have been lighting their water on fire in PA since.... well since people moved to PA. The land has the largest natural gas basin in the world underneath it. Which includes a ton of coal bed methane (Naturally occurring contaminate to water wells.) This methane finds it's way to the surface in lots of ways. People have been dealing with it for a century. But now that there's all these big companies spending all this big money, people all of the sudden want to cash in. Or bitch about how they can't cash in by complaining on the internet. All of which gives environmentalists even more gas for their fire (pun intended). Anyways I'm done rambling. Just remember internet doesn't equal facts.
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    I really hate these "burning water" stories. people didn't care about burning water before in my area, yet homes would sometimes fill with gas and explode, and local folks could lite the kitchen sink on fire for a laugh at parties. Guess what, this was BEFORE GAS DRILLING! creeks were burning in upstate NY when the natives lived here and the first white men wondered into the area in 1819. Few know that the oil was so thick in some creeks in pa that before drake took the oil OUT of the ground it was in the water.
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Every point in Gasland has been backed up, researched and affirmed. Please see our detailed rebuttal of the Big Gas smear campaign against the film, entitled "Affirming Gasland" It is our answer, point by point, to every false gas industry claim and can be found here: Josh Fox
