Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Struggle Behind the Scenes Over Health Care Reform   14 years 2 months ago
    Is this the case of unintended consequences? If you are the insurance company and your survival is at stake, then I'm sure that you will expend a significant amount of time and energy to keep yourself alive. I don't buy that they are just trying to pay off the exec's so much as trying to figure out the boondoggle of legislation that the health care bill is.
  • Reply to: Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Sludge Industry Bedded Alice Waters   14 years 2 months ago
    Burden of proof is on SF. The burden of proof should be on those distributing sludge for use as fertilizer, not on an investigative journalist. They should be perfectly willing to conduct ongoing sampling in meaningful quantities if their waste is to be given to gardeners. I don't see why they aren't more transparent.
  • Reply to: Here's an Idea: Apply the Journalistic Ethics Code   14 years 2 months ago

    Unfortunately, I believe this is a problem across the board, weather it be journalist in the media or a board member for some large corporation, society has become very greedy!

    They all claim to follow some code of ethics, but it is a code of ethics of convenience. As long as they are making money and the ethics can be adhered to, everything is great. However, as soon as margins and profits become sluggish so do their adherence to their precious code of ethics!

    To me, it has become a sad state of affair!

  • Reply to: Reading Between the Lies   14 years 2 months ago
    America is gonna face backlash because of these mercenaries. War is hell, but also, what goes around comes around. America will be harboring a big mercenary population and thats gonna be dealt with sooner or later.
  • Reply to: Gavin Newsom Hopes to Leave His Sludge in San Francisco   14 years 2 months ago
    Luckily San Francisco has an excellent open records law, and (with some important exceptions) the City seems to be complying with our intensive, ongoing investigation of its files. Definitely read the "Chez Sludge" article, the first written based on this investigation. Got to the top of this article and click on the link.
