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  • Reply to: Tom Ridge Joins the Marcellus Shale Coalition's Natural Gas Gold Rush   14 years 2 months ago
    Interesting that you should mention Portugal. It appears the reason that energy costs have "doubled" in Portugal is that the Portuguese have started doing what we should -- counting more of the true costs of energy use: As Cole notes, "It will be a decade before even a third of [Portugal's] over-all energy comes from alternative sources." But...time flies when you're having fun, right? Seems to me that the decade 2000–2010 went by almost before I knew it! :-)
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Thanks for the great debate, everyone. I'm glad my piece started what is an important dialogue and this is what is so beautiful about the Internet as a whole. It democratizes the important issues of the day and allows common citizens (and the industry posing as common citizens! I've also had the Pro-Israel Lobby, posing as common citizens, personally attack me on articles I've written critical of Israel do the same thing) have important discussions and add to the marketplace of ideas! So again, thank you. Obviously, having written the column, I am on the side of Josh and Lisa, but I have a bit of insight to add, too. It seems as if there is a false dichotomy or "lesser of two evils" (like our elections) presented here by coal vs. natural gas. Indeed, there are more options. How about more mass transit in all cities across America? It would also create jobs (Katie Klaber, head of the Marcellus Shale Coalition loves to talk about jobs, too) by the millions and would be far more environmentally friendly. How about electric cars, which GM killed in the early 90s? The country is not addicted to foreign oil. People are not addicted to oil. It's rich people, or the elite, who are addicted to what Professor Michael Klare calls "energy extremism," or oil at all costs, whether it be going to war for oil (i.e. Iraq and Afghanistan) for power and perpetual empire and hegemony, drilling for oil via offshore drilling (see BP quagmire!), Marcellus Shale natural gas drilling, etc. Every new "solution" that involves oil is extreme and is driving the planet and humanity to extinction. We must either radically rethink we acquire energy and step outside the mainstream paradigms set up for us by the corporate media if we are to, quite literally, save the world as we know it. Here's a great interview with Klare. Check it out: -Steve
  • Reply to: Fast Food Nation Interview: Eric Schlosser On Obesity, Kids, and Fast Food PR   14 years 2 months ago
    Hey Edward! I would agree with what you are saying. I have been a doctor for just under 20 years now and seeing how many teens come through my practice who are struggling with Anorexia is shocking. Teens seeing these models who have issues themselves and try to copy cat them is a problem. Many parents also blame themselves for the female teenage problem. If you ask for my opinion on who to point fingers at is the Media for false representation via Photoshop and Fake photographs. These beautiful teenage girls are destroying their bodies and lives with these false images burnt in their heads. One way to point these young women in the right direction is obviously food, but only in special amounts and certain diets. Too much food can hurt more then help. A few more steps would be to ask your family doctor but if steps must be taken immediately, here are a few things to look at starting. 20 Minutes of activity - to help promote muscle and fat production, This can be as simple as walking and doing something active. Another tip is using a product like the Contour abs system, it can reshape and re-tone your weak muscles. Anything to get your body moving. These small things will help create and build an appetite, which is the goal.
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Dear Sir or Madam: I reject the charge that Josh is funded by dirty coal money and I published your comment in part to note for the public record that such an implication lacks any credible facts to back it up. But, I will leave the rest of that to Josh. On the issue of the coal industry v. the gas industry, I think it is an unfortunate over-simplification of the issue. Since some natural gas is coal-bed gas and some of the companies that mine for coal also own land with shale reserves, there's certainly overlap between these industries as well as with oil companies. Some in the natural gas industry unconnected to coal companies and oil would like people to believe that the hubbub is all just generated by the coal producers, but it's just not so. There are legitimate and serious environmental hazards associated with expanded fracking for gas as well as with expanded burning of natural gas. And, there are legitimate and serious environmental hazards with expanded harvesting and burning of coal. It's not all equivalent on all major consequences, such as air pollution, water pollution, and climate change, but I don't believe that expanded drilling and exporting of natural gas to Canada and Mexico is *the* solution. Our SourceWatch site includes extensive documentation from CoalSwarm of the problems with coal, as well as a detailed page on natural gas as an alternative to coal issue: []. We're going to have to deal with the problems caused by both of these fuels until we can greatly expand the use of renewable energy. I just don't buy that the choice is either we rush headlong into reckless and mostly unregulated fracking for gas or we stand silent on coal. It's a false choice in my opinion. I really do appreciate your devotion to fighting against coal plant expansion, a goal we deeply share. Sorry we will have to agree to disagree on the gas. Lisa
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Josh it literally makes me sick to my stomach that people believe your ignorant falsehoods. To think that you are doing all of this under the guise that you care about people and the environment is disgusting. The word evil comes to mind. You are simply another person cashing in on natural gas. How much money have you made from it so far? I'm willing to bet it's quite a bit. Every effort against natural gas is an effort for coal. Right now coal drainage in Pennsylvania is damaging far more water sources than natural gas production ever could. Coal is the bad guy and guess what? Do you know who has the largest lobbying base in Washington? Coal Companies. They are the main opponents against natural gas. By bashing the natural gas industry you are simply providing more outlets for other big fossil fuel companies to gain ground and continue to use far dirtier fuels. Which in turn will ruin more lives and more of the environment. Lisa you still a Josh Fox supporter? While relishing in your self glorifying crusade against natural gas you have simply missed the point. The sad thing is you have dragged many along in this elaborate campaign of ignorance. The energy has to come from somewhere Josh. Pick your poison. I'm going with natural gas.
