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  • Reply to: "Toning Shoes" or Phony Shoes?   14 years 2 months ago

    Fitflop sandals fall in that category of sandals. These sandals help the wearer lose weight and maintain healthy posture while walking. These sandals are helpful in toning the muscles of your feet, legs, and buttocks. They further help in reducing wear and tear, the main cause of injuries of the lower extremities. If you find it difficult to spare time for being at the gym regularly, your best bet is to go for Fitfop sandals to help you tone your muscles and burn fat.

  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Dear Anonymous: Thank you for your comment. There's a lot there for a debate, but it's late so let me correct one major thing. You assert there has never been a single case of fracking fluid contaminating well water, but there have been hundreds of cases of wells being contaminated following fracking. This has been well documented by Toxics Targeting, Pro Publica and, despite your disdain, Josh Fox. But don't take my word for it readers, check out this detailed compilation from New York: [] And here is a link to numerous Pro Publica articles about this. []. On that point, your comment really sounds more like a talking point distributed by the gas industry, but perhaps you researched all the news yourself and somehow missed these stories and the video evidence of well water contamination resulting from the fracking. Lisa
  • Reply to: Different Colored Cigarette Packs, Same Deadly Diseases   14 years 2 months ago

    Nice post. It's true. Cigarette is harmful for our health. My father used to smoke 1 pack a day. I was confuse about this, I advice him many time. At the end he was given smoking so his cancer disease was decrease. He feel healthy now. I think everyone shouldn't smoking.

  • Reply to: The Infinite Mind Was Not Aware   14 years 2 months ago

    Dr. Fred should come clean!

  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    All fossil fuels damage the environment. They damage it when they are extracted as well as when used. If you really cared about the environment you would A. get sterilized (no matter how much we conserve every baby equals a lifetime of devastation to the environment) B. Stop driving, using plastic, heating your home, flying, using electricity (coal powered), and basically doing anything else that you do on a daily basis. If you really want to get into pollution of water then why don't you take a look at Pennsylvania's coal industry. Coal has been ravaging Pennsylvania's landscape and waterways for a century. The state already has the most impaired waterways in the lower 48. In contrast to what you may have seen or heard (by reference to the movie Gasland you immediately lose 100% of your creditability, it's like referencing a Michael Moore film for a paper) never has there been a single recorded case of "fracing fluid" contaminating a water source. Hydraulic Fracturing happens thousands of feet below the water table. Gravity doesn't tend to move objects upwards if you didn't know, especially through a mile of solid rock. By switching to natural gas for power generation we can phase out coal which is the most harmful fossil fuel known to man/ the #1 source of American power generation. Guess what if you switch off of coal then Pennsylvania's water could actually start to be cleaned. Starting to feel dumb yet... Next I am going to defend TBoon. I know he is an iconic "bad guy" in American history and will profit greatly from his self titled Pickens plan, but the guy has a lot of money, and guess how he got it? He's smart. The Pickens Plan is not about drilling, it's about creating demand. Your section on increased natural gas supply reads like a supporting argument for the Pickens plan. Maybe you haven't had the privilege of taking Economics 101 but I have and I will break it down for you in one phrase. "Supply must equal demand." It's not about drilling for natural gas in America, it's about finding ways to use it. By bashing natural gas demand movements you are really doing the coal industry (remember the #1 pollutant in the world/ largest lobbying movement in Washington) a huge favor. They pay people a ton of money to write articles just like this one every year. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you worked for a coal company (you would probably make a lot more money if you did.) Look we have to find a way to use natural gas. We've got a ton of it. Made in the U.S.A. Bottom line is Oil/fossil fuels equal sovereignty as a country. Without it your military, economy, and social structures crumble. You're obviously a driven passionate person that cares to make a difference, so why don't you start directing your talent to solving the problems instead of creating new ones.
