Recent comments

  • Reply to: Here's an Idea: Apply the Journalistic Ethics Code   14 years 2 months ago

    I hate to tell you this, Jonathan, but the SPJ Code of Ethics isn't worth much more than the paper it's printed on. Or the web page it's posted on. Here's the deal. I live in Indiana. The SPJ is HQ'd in Indy. (Been there, sat in their meeting room.) Its origin was at Depauw U in Greencastle, IN. It hasn't strayed far from its roots. The impression I've gotten from my several frustrating and perplexing experiences with the SPJ is that they're basically a frat. A mutual aid, self-esteem, and back-patting society. Had they desired to evolve beyond that, they'd probably be HQ'd in Manhattan, not Indianapolis. Here in the backwater, they can kick back, collect dues, organize conferences, and do their normal low-key intra-profession stuff that keeps them all feeling legit.

    Having some background in the field myself, I've tried, on at least three occasions in recent years, to get the SPJ to put their money where their Ethics Code is and actually enforce the darn thing. Which they have provisions for doing. They simply refuse. Which they can do by ignoring complaints to begin with. Press them hard on it, and you'll be told that there's no actual force behind the code, it's just a set of guidelines. In fact, they have an Ethics Committee, which can "shame" a fellow journalist in response to a "public concern." Apparently that's a very, very rare occurrence. Their board can also give a member the boot. I wonder if that's ever happened? As Mrs. Slocombe of the old BritCom series "Are You Being Served" said: "Weak as water!"

    Given all of that, will your suggestions on shaming media types with the Code of Ethics actually work? If it's a concerted effort on the part of other professionals: Maybe. Generally speaking, the Code is a good basis for media criticism, as you also suggest. But getting down to your 4 action steps, I must report that I've had no success whatsoever by flogging local media with the Code. That's working as an individual, even on behalf of a rather complacent local citizenry. If you have money and a posse backing you up, you'll do better. I'm just saying that invoking the SPJ and their Code of Ethics isn't necessarily going to elicit fear and remorse from some crappy journalist or news outlet.

  • Reply to: Everything's Okay in the Gulf -- Or Is It?   14 years 2 months ago
    Oil spills can really affect not only marine organisms but the entire environment too. I don't also think that chemicals for oil spills can help. It might help in removing oil spills but its not at all friendly to the organisms that thrive in the Gulf. I hope that the government will find biodegradable Oil Spill cleaner that can still preserve marine life.
  • Reply to: Wal-Mart's Hidden Cashroots Advocacy Exposed in Chicago   14 years 2 months ago

    yea this one has me stumped also, on one hand i can see that the larger you are the greater the chances of mismanagement but this is just unbelievable. The usage of ip to trace was a really smart move

  • Reply to: Fight Over Fracking   14 years 2 months ago
    Fracking is just one of the many tentacles of the monster we've created in our greed for oil, gas and other relatively inexpensive forms of energy, folks. We either need to learn to do with less or different kinds of energy or maybe learn to do without. Ouch!
  • Reply to: Get Serious About The Deficit and Cut Military Spending   14 years 2 months ago
    While it is tempting to take Secretary Gates to task for the huge defense budget, let's not forget that he has had to battle Congress to cut a second engine for the F35 fighter and stop maing C17 aircraft (which the Pentagon says it already has enough of). I just want to make sure you identify ALL the villians, including those who continue to bring the 'pork' home to their constituents.
