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  • Reply to: An Environmentally-Conscious, "Greener" Cigarette?   14 years 2 months ago

    There is nothing “natural” about smoking. Besides that, the main ingredient in tobacco, Nicotine, is the prominent toxin, regardless of the presence or absence of additives.

    Furthermore at least one study has determined that Santa Fe Tobacco's cigarettes are even more addictive than most brands because the molecular structure of the nicotine is such that it is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, which intensifies addictiveness.
    And yet these cigarettes are just as damaging to the human organism.

    Whether independent or owned by RJR or any of the "mainstreams," Santa Fe Tobacco is a tobacco company, the products of which burden our society with avoidable disease and premature death – and immeasurable grief and tragedy.

    Unlike alcohol - even in moderation, one cigarette is 100% worse than no cigarette, as every cigarette stresses the body with pollutants and vasoconstriction, although this is disguised by the ostensible sense of "relief" that results from nicotine's effect on the brain function that controls the natural chemicals in our bodies.

    Santa Fe Tobacco's boasts about additive-free or organic tobacco and "sustainable" practices would be laughable – but sadly, they have made some inroads among otherwise health-minded, conscious people - and even some nonnsmokers believe that "American Spirits aren't as bad as regular cigarettes...because...they're organic!"

    The brightest people seem to get stupid about smoking - but is it really stupidity - or subliminal mind-control on the part of the tobacco company? I'd say it's the latter, aided by any degree of innocence and wishful thinking..........

    As a member of the progressive/enviro/artistic community I have directly noted the relative success of organic tobacco products - and it is an alarming aberration to the general positive trend towards marginalization of smoking in this population.

    Santa Fe Tobacco Company is just another tobacco company trying to peddle its products - but an especially insidious one that exploits terms such as "Sustainable," "Additive-free," "organic," and even "local farmer," along with claims of “transparency” and pretense as a responsible company, passing itself off as “progressive” for the purpose of selling products that are addictive and toxic when used as directed – and that have no redeeming value whatsoever to society for all the burden they cause. They were doing this independently and on their own years before RJR bought them.

  • Reply to: Beware Secondhand Rhetoric on Cigarette Taxes   14 years 2 months ago
    I can understand (somewhat) the ire that people have when the cigarette tax gets raised, but it gets pretty crazy when they start spouting off stuff with absolutely no knowledge or facts backing them up, except for the fact they are angry that they feel something is being taken away from them. I've seen very little in the way of intelligent comments from smokers about this issue---it always turns into something else. I am a non-smoker, I don't care if you smoke or not, that is your choice (not necessarily your right), but stick to the argument. I have a feeling there is no argument beyond a desperate addiction to nicotine and the anger you feel because of the price hikes. And that is ok, at least it's honest, and not an attack against anything else spewed out of a sense of entitlement.
  • Reply to: Beware This "Constitutional Convention"   14 years 2 months ago
    I take issue with your denigration and ridicule of "conspiracy theorists"; it's not objective and uses some of the same techniques that the people use that you're criticizing in this article. When "diss'ing" the chemtrail theory, you included "global dimming". There has actually been a lot of scientific study of the phenomenon, including data from such measures as "pan evaporation rates", which have been used for decades in meteorological monitoring. Many climate change experts believe global dimming is one factor that helps explain why some of the climate modeling hasn't been as predictive as anticipated. It's NOT "conspiracy" science! Regarding the "New World Order", it's here and openly discussed by its proponents. In one instance, Charlie Rose interviewed Henry Kissinger, who spent a great deal of time talking about it. I wish you would just leave the whole, ad hominem, "anti-conspiracy theorist crusade" alone, and stick with what you're good at. This article is all over the place!
  • Reply to: T-Boone Pickens and the Truth about All that Drilling   14 years 2 months ago
    Why is it that every time you see a video or photo of oil wells you see gas being burned off next to the well. What the Hell is with that. Why is this not being captured!!!
  • Reply to: Beware This "Constitutional Convention"   14 years 2 months ago
    Keep drinking the kool-aid of the debunkers of chemtrails. There is overwhelming evidence that something is happening to our air and it is causing extreme health problems for many people. High readings of barium, aluminum and strange organic matter is being recorded in all 50 states. It puzzles me that almost no one has trust in our government until it comes to someone dumping tons of chemicals into our air. It has been proven time and time again that our government has experimented on our troops, our prisoners and common citizens over and over with no apologies.
