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  • Reply to: The Dirtiest Sport   14 years 2 months ago
    this article is not relevant to media and democracy. environmental considerations are not an appropriate focus of questions regarding questionable media and pr practice. In this weekend's USA Today, the front page was gifted to "tea party" members without any challenge to their claims, positions, accusations, assumptions, misdirections, and just plain blathering. Allowing mistatements of fact to appear unchallenged and allowing any individual posture to be presented unilaterally is a diservice to the USA Todays readers, its purpose and the basis for its 1st Amendment protection. NASCAR, schmascar, the Media is screwed and without the Media there is no hope of divining fact from fiction. Please get back on task. If you were to swing a cat in a cornfield you could hit a dozen examples of Media misconduct. Please write about that. Thank you
  • Reply to: Beware This "Constitutional Convention"   14 years 2 months ago
    The article did not discuss the legitimacy of global dimming it merely included it with regard to the part it plays in the beliefs of this group "New World Order" is not used by all with the same apocalyptic connotation as conspiracy theorists or those of certain religious groups. So if one individual uses that terminology, it is not a proof positive of another individuals very specific implication of that term. If one theorizes or believes there is a conspiracy, it should not be an insult to be called a conspiracy theorist. But, if you begin to see conspiracies EVERYWHERE, it may be time to take a cold hard look and start fearlessly asking some deeper questions of yourself. For those with a religious basis for their mindset, if this it is a fulfillment of prophecy then there is no thwarting it. Early Christians faced tremendous persecution including violent execution with less paranoia than the modern rant and rave crowd. I guess they didn't have leaders filling them into fear rather than faith. Pollution is something that needs to be addressed seriously and I've never seen CMD be an apologist for the governmental or private polluters. If there was clear evidence of a massive conspiracy they'd be spearheading it's exposure. Exposing abuse of power is right up their alley. But, that is very different than the destructive hate and fear-mongering of these sorts of groups.
  • Reply to: Progressives Up In Arms Over Brand Obama's Insult   14 years 2 months ago
    Change, a$$, Fool me once shame on you for 2012 if the Dem's don't nominate Kucinich (or maybe Grayson) its McKinney all the way. She may be a fiesty b..well you know what but she'd make a good president, hey Teddy Roosevelt (who was a Republican go figure) was fiesty but did a lot of good for the people...Safe Food and Water Act, Sherman Anti-Trust Act, National Parks, was quite a Progressive. We all know what know supporting "someone you can have a beer with" or "he seems like such a nice and smart fellow" can get you.
  • Reply to: AMC's "Mad Men" Atones for Ubiquitous Smoking   14 years 2 months ago

    A great idea, forget any negative comments about the depiction of execs being's called reality...that's how it was and hopefully this charitable idea receives the applause it deserves

  • Reply to: We Still Need Your Help: Urge the President to Put Warren to Work!   14 years 2 months ago

    She's proven her vision for the Bureau. We just need her in place to implement it.
