Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Cashroots Conspiracy Behind FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity   14 years 1 month ago

    Thanks for the news in brief. The organization is extremely conservative in its economic and governance beliefs. Its mission is to reduce taxes and government spending, promote entrepeunership, and restore fairness to the American judicial system.

  • Reply to: Progressives Up In Arms Over Brand Obama's Insult   14 years 1 month ago
    I never knew it til I moved here that the Chicago "machine", as the dems here don't mind calling themselves, effects everybody in the state if Illinois. There's not even an demonstrative opposition from Republicans. They're nearly as swiftly going to jail as some of the busted Democratic bureaucrats. Well, who else is from Chicago? Yes, he's had little experience IN Chicago, having gone to the state senate, but he's had to deal with the machine back home in order to get anywhere. Take a look at the pres's roots: Daley in office since 1989; a 50 member city council, all but one Democrats, 39 of whom having started their service previous to 2000, one of whom started in 1969, another in '73. Chicago is great for self promotion, but somebody turned the lights out here, guys, a long time ago. Live here for more then a year and you'll see. I never thought it would effect a president. Where are the third parties please?
  • Reply to: Moving Foreign Investment Forward: A Strange PR Pick for Iraqi Kurdistan   14 years 1 month ago
    I just happened to trip over your blog post here on RM&R and the efforts to promote Kurdistan. This is clearly a classic, and wish I had found it quite awhile ago. It stands up very well, and with the combat troops being withdrawn this month, it's great to look back at your insights. Thank you!
  • Reply to: The Struggle Behind the Scenes Over Health Care Reform   14 years 1 month ago
    As the old saying goes, 'the devil is in the details'. The health insurance industry is simply doing what all administrators in any field do namely expoliting loopholes. In the UK several years ago new rules were introduced saying patients must be seen treated and admitted from the emergency room to a hospital bed on a ward within 4 hours. The response of many hospitals was to bring beds down from the ward to the emergency room, stick patients in them and claim the target was met. As a result they got big bonuses. Patients received no better care and it cost a lot of money. So all I can say is keep shining a light on the details and don't let anything go without publicity.
  • Reply to: Target's Off-Target Lobbying Effort   14 years 1 month ago

    What a fabulous musical flashmob! I fear Target is the first of many corporations that will work to buy our elections. It's bad for democracy. Keep writing those ditties! And how about a t-shirt! I'd wear one.
