Recent comments

  • Reply to: Why Facts No Longer Matter   14 years 1 month ago
    These stereotypes gotta stop. Who says all lesbians care about someone else's private lives and freedom of choice. Most lesbians are not smokers and won't even bother to see what the message is all about. Also most of the smokers will see that the message is more about a company trying to make money than about people losing their freedom of choice. It's really hard for corporations like that to get anyone on their side because anything they do ties back to squeezing more money out of people's pockets.
  • Reply to: Eat, Prey, Spend   14 years 1 month ago
    These targeted advertisements are subdued and shaded by this self-help movement, buried under a heap of Lose Weight Now! and spoil-yourself-rotten mentalities. Apparently it's okay to splurge on merchandise made by little brown hands as long as it helps make one whole and improve mental stability. Those sneaky capitalists! It's working! They duped us. They have successfully retooled the American Dream. Of course this only applies if you're white and are lucky enough to have a day job that requires you to kick ass while wearing high heels (oh -- and being a mom does not count as a day job). Bitch Magazine ran a similar <a href="http://"> article</a> that connects this smart marketing technique to the whole me-time movement that is going on. Read it for pleasure or more likely disgust.
  • Reply to: Welcome to the Infotainment Freak Show   14 years 1 month ago

    Furthermore, this misguided adventure has spawned a following of the clamorous disinformed, the magnitude of which is on the verge of co-opting one of our two-party system. It is well past time for MSM to stop treating these hate-mongers as colleagues and confront them for the self-serving rable-rowsers that they truly are , much as it is well past time for the Democrats to confront the hollow, empty self-serving babble coming from the right. Evil only grows where good allows it to.

  • Reply to: Reagan's Top Economist Says GOP Misled the U.S. and Tanked the Economy   14 years 1 month ago

    Unfortunately, it's single minded blame such as this that is the problem. There is no accountability left in politics. Politicians are to busy blaming each other and instead should be working together to come up with strong solutions that will get the economy back on track and start reducing our massive deficit. Stop passing bills stuffed full of pork.

  • Reply to: Eat, Prey, Spend   14 years 1 month ago
    I work at Half Price Books and we've been BOMBARDED with calls about this alleged books. I understand why now.
