Recent comments

  • Reply to: The Dirtiest Sport   14 years 1 month ago
    I disagree with the comment about this not being a relevant blog as there are other similar blogs posted under the "environment" category. Environmental related topics and discussions tend to generate polarized viewpoints and are thus worthy of discussion in a forum such as this one. However, regarding this blog: "The Dirtiest Sport," I think a mountain is being made out of a molehill. According to the state highway commission, there are over 135 million registered autos in the US. So, NASCAR race cars contribute roughly 0.00003% of the annual US automobile induced air pollution. I am not sure how the 2 million gallons number was derived. I get about 160,000 gallons used per season. If you assume 195 million cars on the road all drive 10,000 miles per year and get 60 mph, that equates to 22.5 trillion gallons of gas. I think I see why the EPA isn't bothering with NASCAR.
  • Reply to: Public Campaign, CMD & Media Matters Issue Joint Letter After News Corp.'s $1 Million Donation to Republican Governors Assoc.   14 years 1 month ago

    Dear Anonymous:
    Thank you for writing in and raising the equal time doctrine! I agree with you wholeheartedly. The fairness doctrine would help tremendously.
    And, the Supreme Court's decision is a disgrace!
    We've got a lot of work to do together!! Lisa

  • Reply to: Public Campaign, CMD & Media Matters Issue Joint Letter After News Corp.'s $1 Million Donation to Republican Governors Assoc.   14 years 1 month ago

    Dear Anonymous:

    I understand your dog-bites-man view of Fox News' lack of objectivity. It's as plain as the day is long. But, I do think a news corporation giving a million bucks to politicians it is "reporting" on is new and worth calling out. And, it's part of the increased involvement in elections by corporations who can't vote and have already distorted public policy in numerous ways.

    And, it is the case that the front row seats in the press briefing room give reporters an edge, and presidents typically don't give a front row seat to a big funder of their political opponents to try to score political points in the guise of reporting the news. That's not to say I think this White House or any administration should get a pass from the press. I expect tough questions and skepticism from the press about foreign policy and domestic policy. And, as you say, it's clear Fox has no objectivity.

    There's a lot of other work we are doing on a range of issues, besides Fox. Still, I think it's important to object to this latest development. It crosses another line.


  • Reply to: USA Today Drinks the Tea   14 years 1 month ago
    If extreme views includes concern over our Country's 12 Trillion dollar debt, and Congress over spending money that we DO NOT HAVE. Then count me in. If extreme views inviews include concern about a horrible economy and a President who has spend more in one year and a half than George W. Bush did in eight. (And believe me I was no fan of Bush) Then count me in. If extreme views include a hugh concern that Congress is no longer listening to the majority of the people, then again count me in. I am an Independant voter. an open minded School teacher whose kind wonderful educated parents just happened to be Tea Party Members, and I am sick of the Media /news trashing people who just happen to love our country, and care enough to express from their loving hearts concern over their children's and Grandchildrens future.
  • Reply to: Bill O'Reilly and the Fox-Comcast Crushing Machine   14 years 1 month ago
    Just another example of what drives this country, the all mighty dollar! This slow and continuous erosion of our very basic rights all in the name of making the rich people richer and stepping on the little guy and crushing him like a bug!!
